Welcome to Lista, Melissa! $4.00 is extremely fair for shipping! Perhaps in the future, for an item like this that is worth approx.. 15,000 credits, you may want to offer free shipping if the bids go over say, 16,000 credits. That would give you 6,000 credits to apply to shipping, and still leave 10,000 credits towards the value of the spurs, making it a very good deal for the winner. 1,000 credits = $1.00 cash value, so if you keep that in mind when you set GIN's, or consider giving, 'free shipping,' just build the shipping cost into the bidding. That way you don't have to say, "No," to questions on free shipping, just put the credits high enough to make it feasible for you to offer that as a blessing. I hope this helps! Please feel free to contact me with any questions, I would be glad to help in any way I can. I hope these great little spurs do very well for you. Blessings, Angela <><