Genetically modified organism. It's what companies like Monsanto have done with most of our seeds now. It's the company that produces roundup. They have genetically altered most of the worlds seeds to be resistant to the weed killer and to produce their own pesticides, etc. most of their seeds are also what they call 'terminator' seeds. The produce from them will not have viable seeds or they produce inferior product. This forces farmers to buy seeds every year. There have been a ton of protests all around the world. Most of what is available in the grocery store is now GMO. It's very interesting and VERY scary. Sorry, didn't mean to go on, but about the only trustworthy seeds are from heirloom plants now. Even companies like burpee have done business with them, although they now claim they don't. If its something you have grow for many years and these are from those plants then they wouldn't be GMO. I'm starting a garden for the first time and would like to have all natural seeds. Thanks, didn't mean to write a book on your auction! Lol! :))