Free: FORTUNE TELLING - Other Toys & Hobbies - Auctions for Free Stuff


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This is a book I hate to give up but...... Anyway it's a complete book on teaching you how to tell fortunes. It teaches Palm reading tarot cards numerology several different ways regular cards. But I was reading palms with in. First hour of purchasing it. Very easy instructions. Test it on friends and see how amazed you both are.
Questions & Comments
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What a great book, I would love to have it to add to my collection of other books and tarot sets, but dont look like I am going to have time to wait for ending time but thats just how the ball bounces in my court, I am going to be having to leave, I hope that whoever gets this book takes it seriously, iits amazing what you can learn about yourself and others just by reading a book, great auction item.......f&w&wanting to bid......:))
Mar 31st, 2014 at 5:30:33 AM PDT by

FORTUNE TELLING is in the Toys & Hobbies | Other Toys & Hobbies category