The listing, Country Bottlecap image sheet has ended.
Youre bidding 2 adorable bottle cap image sheet! Super cute! You also get a bonus surprise sheet too!
For best results print on 4x6 photo paper. these are 1inch circle.
feel free to print and use, must not be resold as a sheet.
***~~This is included in my buy any 4 sheets get one free~~*** upon winning, I will message you a list of free sheets for you to choose one! These are great sheets, im sure there is a bunch you would love!
All 4 sheets do not have to be won at the same time. If an auction is more than one sheet, then what is listed is counted. IE: 2 sheets won, counts as 2 sheets, you just need to win 2 more! :)
Please let me know when you have bought four (beginning -1/24/14) in case I forget...