Free: Postage Increased Again! Four Flowered Forever Stamps, GIN! - Other - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Postage Increased Again! Four Flowered Forever Stamps, GIN!

Postage Increased Again! Four Flowered Forever Stamps, GIN!
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The listing, Postage Increased Again! Four Flowered Forever Stamps, GIN! has ended.

Postage increased on everything so now we're finding out the difference a few cents make for packages!
Here are four cute flowers forever stamps for spring or Easter soon or just when you feel like it.
GIN is now 5333 (sorry for another increase but besides the price, the post office seems to be at it again with not delivering and sorry if you work for the postal service!). In case it's disabled and if GIN is met anyways, you'll get one extra stamp either way for a total of five!
I sometimes list more than one auction on stamps but will not put them together at this time. Because of the cutbacks in hours and snowstorms here, 1/2 of my envelopes never arrived to the bidders and it ended up being a costly one that's probably still in a snowbank! Thanks for understanding.

Thanks for looking!
Questions & Comments
Can we do gin for a little?
Mar 26th, 2014 at 11:49:53 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
There is a GIN already on it if you want them right off and it ends the auction. The GIN is 5333 and instead of 4 stamps, if GIN is used, I'll mail you five instead. I'm not sure if you might mean to do a smaller auction for stamps? The smallest GIN you can put is 2000. I would have to do an auction for two with a GIN for 3 for 3555 to get the same amount back per stamp plus the one to mail it. After Listia takes their 10 percent, I'd get 3200. That looks high but usually we judge it at 1000 equals

There is a GIN on it for 5333 and if it's used, I get 4800 after Listia's 10 percent. If you count the stamp to mail, that's 6 so 800 per stamp. I think right now the rule of thumb is 1000 points is worth $1 if you auction off your own items and don't buy credits that cost a lost more. So I'm getting eighty cents for an approx. fifty cent stamp so a smaller one wouldn't be worth doing for both parties usually. If I list one for 2 stamps and GIN for 3, I'd have to get a GIN of 3555 to get the same amount of points per stamp. If you do need just a few for an emergency, I would put one up for you since I ship usually the next morning if GIN is used. Otherwise, save up your points to get more for your points so to speak, lol! Send me a msg. if you're in a bind and I'll post the 3555 one and send right off.
Mar 26th, 2014 at 8:56:08 PM PDT by
Nice auction...
Mar 27th, 2014 at 6:08:21 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Please excuse my typos!
Mar 26th, 2014 at 9:00:17 PM PDT by

Postage Increased Again! Four Flowered Forever Stamps, GIN! is in the Other Stuff | Other category