uhh its a magic the gathering card. thats all the description you need, which is in the title of the auction. and im not goin to give a description of what mtg is. thats too much, so just google it. and considering you dont know what mtg is, im goin to assume you have no need to bid on this auction.
Well I guess your right Mr, A$$hole, being that you don't know how to be a mature Human Being! Oh that right your not! You have to pretend to play with magic that doesn't exist . Have another joint!!
are you serious lady? you start speaking irreverently towards me when i have said nothing wrong to you, but I'M the one who doesn't know how to be a mature human being. first of all, i dont pretend anything, its only a card game. and secondly, i do not smoke weed. do you realize how stupid you make yourself look when you get mad over a ridiculous, and then on top of that, making false assumptions about someone you don't even know. now why don;t you do yourself a favor and leave the drama on facebook. thanks! :)