Hi, This is a great auction!! Also the microsoft one you have goin on!! I saw that you are bidding on my burgerking giftcard. If you want to post this auction or the other one in the comments section on any of mine feel free to do so, cause they are awesome!! Take care
why would you hide my comment? its just a question? im not dissing anyone or anything im just saying i did the same thing and i was gonna use it for this site but ended up finding cute things on ebay. whoops.
I would also like to know if this from Groupon. As i have already purchased one and it states only one per person. So i don't think i would be able to use if its from Groupon. If its a actual gift card then it wouldn't be a problem. If you could just let us know if it's from groupon or not would help bidders decide to bid or not. Thanks