Free: Nicholas Sparks "The Rescue" - Fiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Nicholas Sparks "The Rescue"

Nicholas Sparks "The Rescue"
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The listing, Nicholas Sparks "The Rescue" has ended.

Good condition also a good read!
Questions & Comments
Welcome to Listia! F & W....[fanned & watching]
best of luck, good communication is the key here, all paperbacks will ship by first or media class [whichever is cheapest, of course] with FREE tracking on the packages so if you save your ticket from the PO you can type in the tracking # after shipping so people won't say they didn't get it & want their credits back!

I sell on Many sites as: bubbasbooks , and try to help out other book sellers if they are new to a site. Best, Vince
Apr 3rd, 2014 at 11:14:22 AM PDT by
**AUCTION ENDING SOON** Once bidding ends I will then need to receive the winner's address!
Apr 4th, 2014 at 9:25:29 PM PDT by

Nicholas Sparks "The Rescue" is in the Books | Fiction Books category