Free: Noahs Ark embroidery files...hus and pes formats - Other Craft Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Noahs Ark embroidery files...hus and pes formats

Noahs Ark embroidery files...hus and pes formats
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The listing, Noahs Ark embroidery files...hus and pes formats has ended.

This is a listing for the files needed to embroider all of the designs you see in the pictures. They will come to you in two different formats. .pes format if you have a Brother machine and .hus format if you use a Husqvarna machine.
You must have one of these embroidery machines and the program to use them for these to be of any use to you. I have tons of other files as well...anything you can think of I have. thanks
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Noahs Ark embroidery files...hus and pes formats is in the Crafts | Other Craft Items category