Free: Mother Nature's MIRACLES Photography - Photography - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Mother Nature's MIRACLES Photography

Mother Nature's MIRACLES Photography
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The listing, Mother Nature's MIRACLES Photography has ended.

Truly PRECIOUS moments...These photos are the ones I consider to be the most magical, the most demonstrative of creation and how Mother Nature works. I hope you enjoy them even half as much as I did taking them. This is a collection of digital photographs I took on a road trip in 2008.
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Questions & Comments
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Aw, thank you for your kind words...I'm not professional, though. I just love nature, and am always watching for incredible things to snap a shot of...sometimes, I'm just lucky, and find these wonderful miraculous moments. Do you have a camera? It doesn't take a big expensive fancy camera to take pix like these...they were taken with an inexpensive Sony digital camera. Follow your dreams, can do it!
Apr 8th, 2014 at 3:01:14 AM PDT by

Mother Nature's MIRACLES Photography is in the Art | Photography category