FREE: WISH LIST Auction COME Come..Make a Wish for what you Would Like Listed. You Get 10 REAL Gems "*_*"
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The listing, WISH LIST Auction COME Come..Make a Wish for what you Would Like Listed. You Get 10 REAL Gems "*_*" has ended.
Make Sure you Make your "WISH LIST" and {List an Auction} too if you like Bid or no Bid Just Have Fun and Enjoy!!!!!! SPRING IS HERE LET'S HAVE A GOOD TIME HUH? You will Recieve 10 Nice Gems. I wll Pick them Out. God Bless All!! I Love My Listia Family!
Questions & Comments
"The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter."
Ok, It took me an hour to get through the first 4 pages. I just wanted to say LeeLee you are doing an awesome job. It is people like you and your fans that make Listia a good place to join.
As for my wish list, I would say anything a 6 year old boy would like. My son isn't that picky. And maybe something I could give to my mom for mother's day. Been trying to win something on here for her, but I have been outbid on all of them that I think she would like. My addy is
You Are Such a Kind Person and Please keep coming back ...Thank You for the Kind Words and I am SURE Some one or Someones can Help RIGHT GUYS???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? "*_*"
hey SiStIA :~) just checking in :~) I want to thank EVERYONE!!!! for the care-package gifts that you so kind-heartedly sent to me , so I could send them on to my son and many more serving our country! I just can;t thank-You enough!! Bless You all! I got to send out 3 filled to the rim boxes this past week and I have 2 more that i'm working on now ...So if anyone has anything small or maybe even a little note they'd like to add please send it on to me and it will go out in the next package :~) Lisa Perdue 122 N. Pine Court Circle Florence SC 29506 .... Thanks again EVERYONE and ESPICALLY , You LeeLee for making all this possible! My son & so many ,more are going to be astounded when they see all their goodies :~) And June, july.....Anytime is GREAT with Me! Just keep me up on the date :~) Your SiStIa Lisa :~) Hope you all habe a wonderful night~ Lisa
I have a Whole Mess of stuff for you Girlfriend!! You are So Awsome for doing that I will put this up on the top of the listing in my Reserved area where People can see it better! I Love You! TTYL LeeLee
Hey Everybody Lets Do Something Different KK?? Lets Do "Helpful Hints In The Kitchen Day"!!! 3.. Per Person, so it don't take up Allot of space... Mine are #1... Rinse Potatoes Before Peeling , and they Peel Allot Easier...#2...Add a Capful of Vinigar and some Warm Water to your Nasty Baking Pans and Skillets ... let set for about 10 min. and it will Come Right Off, No Hard Scrubbing...#3.... Use your Onion and/or Garlic Bags as a Scrubber when doing Dishes and Pans Etc...I am Talking about the Course Hard Plastic Bags with the Tiny Holes in them They Make Very Good Scrubbers... OK..Your Turn.... "*_*" Happy EASTER Everyone!!!!!
Also thanks for explaining the whole "garden box" to me LeeLee. Think auction is just full of great ideas and great kind people!! It's great to see, that with all the bad things in our world, that there is still such amazing and kind hearted people out there! I enjoy my world positive :) <3 Love Simone
hi, just wanted to stop in and say , I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!!God Bless you all!!
and Leelee you can count me in on the bath and body box too!! and for lori53038,,I help care for a lady with alzheimer's,and even though theres not much she can do at all anymore,, when she smiles, her whole face lights up and brightens everyones face up,,I love spending time with her, she has taught me so much!!I would like to be a part of your mailing group.... my name and address is... maggie welker 119 mckinney rd. harriman tn. 37748.
Hi everyone, this sounds like a really cool thing, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm suppose to do. If anyone can help explain, please e-mail me at - thanks so much!
Just Be Yourself and Come back Often I will be Running one of these at all times and You can Share anything you want as Long as It Is Positive Energy That is All I Ask It Is Just a Place to Come and Mingle , and Help Others as we All Need Things and You can Write what you need as well You will Catch on Real Fast If you just keep Coming Back and Read some of these Comments Who Knows you may be able to help someone too.. Happy EASTER!!!
This is a great auction and I will check back often and try to help out. But I am wondering, what are the Garden Box & Bath and Body Box auctions all about? Thanks, and Happy Easter!
Well It takes a Little while to explain If you go back a Page or two You will see a Few Comments That I Put a Whole bunch of these !!!!! on it to run over the Side of the Margine so it would be Noticable so if you go look a few of those up One of them Tells All about the Boxes It would just save me from having to type it all again LOL Just let me know if you don't find it and I will go find and Copy and Paste it again for you... Thank You and Hope that helps I am just real Busy at this Minute or I would do it right now for you... Happy EASTER!!
Just stopping by to say Happy Easter to all!!! Not having that Great of a weekend, we have to start packing tomorrow and I am so super stressed!! I hope everyone has wonderful family time catch up on new and old news. The girls are going to be gone for the day so mommy will have plenty of time to get things organized and packed as much as I can.
I just wanted to say happy easter to everyone of you !And I want to thank the LORD for the blessings he has giving me all my life each and everyday he has brought some wonderful people like you into my life here at listia and i want to say im greatful for all you do for each other there is not more than anyone could ask for mostly here all prayers will take care of because its all materials that we seek and need!I pray for everyone of you day and nite and to the ones like my self out there taking care of those special GOD loving wonderful angels may the LORD bless you in each and every way.For you those who are stressed prayer always works and reading a few scriptures in the bible helps alot it takes the pressure away.I take care of my mother from dawn till dark an my only me time is on here with you all.I dont have a job that pays money because i spend all my time doing for her .These postings you all make on here help me alot because I know i have problems but there is always someone else out there with bigger ones.And please dont forget to pray for the homeless people out there with no where to sleep except the streets please pray that they have a meal to help them survive an clothes to wear for easter!With tears streaming from reading these i think i need to go pray more take care and may GOD bless you .HAppy Easter all!AMEN
I'm not sure how this works as I am a newbie. I was just reading through here and you seem like the nicest group of people! Bless you all and Happy Easter! My wish list is for: Coke pts, little toys and stickers for my Sunday School class (VBS is coming up) and I'd love of postcard from anyone who would care to send one.
Ahhh I do Have some Coke Points I will Give you and StickersI know I should have Plenty of them somewhere LOL Iwill see what I can put together for you Hon... God Bless You!! Welcome and Please Keep Coming Back I will Be Running One of these All the Time..
I will keep your address handy and send you what I can.I am lucky to have my health even though like others here I have been unemployed since last year and do not get any help from the state and live with my aunt GOD BLESS HER
Hey ms LEELEE i would like in on the bath and body box, my dauhter would love that, im allergic to alot of stuff like body fantasies i know i can use bath body works products but my address is Amber Kendricks 1626 McCaig Road Lincoln Alabama 35096
Well, when I wish, I wish BIG! LOL LeeLee - what great auctions you are having!!! I'm so happy for you :) You're looking great to girl!!! I stopped by one of Vinnie's auctions and mentioned I should stop by here!! He'll say OMG when he sees my wish!! ROTFL But, I posted it anyway because I really need this for my new business. Thanks for humoring me by looking! lol - 3G iPhone plus more
Well Thank You So Much... I Must Say.... LOL I Too Would Wish for One of those that Would Really Be Nice to Have.... Good Luck on that I Must say!!!!!! Thanks For Stopping By Too!
Oops....Just took another look and you may have some citrine and clear quartz. The quality of the stone (the right degree of color saturation and no visible with the naked eye inclusions) is tantamount to me. They are for my own personal use in Feng Shui, not for resale.
Hi there, I'm a new member, joined yesterday and am a bit confused, LOL. I don't understand the 'Wish List' aspect of your auction. I'm currently the highest bidder but it will take virtually all of my credits for ten real gemstones. They look like amethysts, garnets, peridots, smoky quartz and something so pale I can't identify it. Of course I would like the best (deepest) color saturation in each stone, without it getting so dark it's hard to make the color out at all and none of the so pale stones I'm unable to determine what they are. I don't have a clue what the total carat weight will be for the 10 stones you send me and as I'm spending virtually all the credits I have, I'm a bit worried. I don't yet even know what one credit is worth, let alone hundreds of them. I do want the stones and won't back out if I win, but as there's over 3 days to go, I'll be outbid possibly. Can you give me more info about this auction? Thanks very much!
Just wanted to add, neither my husband or I are working at the moment, but we are happy together and my 87-year-old mom lives with us, and my brother and sis-in-law live nearby...I feel very blessed to be alive and will check back and pray for people.
Hi~my name is Elizabeth and I just wanted to say hi. To the girl with Crohn's Disease~my husband has had it for 15 years and I know what a rough deal it is...I will be praying for you. I am a cancer survivor myself...I was diagnosed 2 days after my wedding in November 2009~and the rough times come and go, but I know you and all the others here will make it through. Blessings to all of you! Elizabeth
Hello all, Just stopping by to say Hello! I finally found an auction for socks that will fit Alyssa!! :) It has made me happy as you can see. I hope everyone had a blessed day with Family and Friends Vinnie your Prayer was priceless and something I really needed to read at the present time as you and LeeLee know, Thank you for posting it. I will be calling the school tomorrow so Alyssa can go back to school she misses her friends but we have to have a meeting before they will let her back. It was school vacation this week so I could not get in touch with them! Hope everyone has an Awesome week full of joy love and answered Prayers Love to all of you
1st I hope everyone had a BLESSED EASTER,and#2 as for the brown sugar trick that's all brown sugar is is sugar that all the molasses hasn't been refined out of it that's why there are different types of it and if you add "blackstrap"to it you make the same thing as DARK brown sugar or first run sugar and as far as kitchen tricks if you add a pinch of salt to your coffee when brewing it you cut down on the acid in it
You are one of the nicest persons that I have ever came across.. I am so pleased that I found you site.. Y'all are doing such wonderful things for others.. I do believe in GOD and the POWER of PRAYER...
I love the SMELL of the earth right before a rain. I love the SOUND of the songs that the birds sing in the spring. I love the SIGHT of the first spring leafs and flowers...and the tall grass blowing in the wind because it looks like green waves in a green beautiful and peaceful.
I love the FEEL of a newborn's skin. I love KNOWING that the LORD is with me always.
now for my wish list:
~~~Something wonderful for LeeLee81268 for all of the wonderful things she does for people and she ask nothing in return!~~~
~~oval filigree metal frames bigger than 4in X 6in~~
~~slipper socks that are very soft (I have neuropathy caused by my spine problems and the part of my feet that still have feeling is very sensitive to touch)~~
Feet Can Really Be Painful I just had an Operation onnone of mine and we HAVE to take care of them For they are our Foundation If we dont take care of that we would Fall Down Foundation is VERY IMPORTANT!!! LOL nThank You For All Your Kind Words I Know God will Reward One Day He Always Does In More Ways Then One... Thanks For Coming Back Too... Happy EASTER!!!
oh.. sorry.. just a little more Thank you LORD for sending your SON to die on the cross for us so that we may be cleansed of our sins. Praise the LORD that JESUS arose and basically cleared our path to all we have to do is very simple... "for he who that believe in HIM shall have ever lasting LIFE!" Thank you sweet and loving JESUS!
Hi Everyone, What a awesome group of people!!!!! I would love to help some people out with RAOK (random acts of kindness) :) I also have a little story to tell. I am a nurse at a pediatric facility, about a year ago i brought one of the children home to live with me because he was turning 21 and they wanted to put him in a nursing home. He is a Great kid!! He has Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy so cannot move anything but one thumb. Through technology on his wheel chair, the only thing can really do independently is drive his chair and play xbox 360 and some Wii games through a special control on his wheelchair. If he is unable to play them himself he loves to make his nurses do it for him at night (LOL) . He is such an inspiration. He is on a ventilator and has a tracheostomy but he lives for each and every day. I love it when hes happy and smiles. He still believes in all the childhood beliefs (easter bunny, santa, etc. ) He is so innocent. I wish for him old games that people dont want to play anymore. I do get them on here as much as my points will allow. I also would like to get a circle of friends from around the united states to swap coupons with: Maybe make a wishlist and mail at least one envie a month to each other. Please email me if anyone is interested in this and i will get back to you to set it up. in your email please add a wishlist and address and i will email mine back to you. My email address is: Thank you again!!! Sandi, i will be mailing you a envie of coupons this week :)
Oh How I Feel The Love Of GOD Today! I am Crying at this Moment after reading this I Promise I will Write More to everyone in a Little While I am Overwhelmed Right Now and I Believe that you Group of People were Really Sent here By the LORD and I Appreciate Each and Everyone of you!! You are Doing Exactly what GOD Wants Us to Do I Praise you For that! I will Be Back in a Little while Thanks So Much for Coming here Please Keep Coming Back!!! I will Always Have One of these Up! "*_*" TTYL LEE