Book of 20 Medal of Honor Forever Postage Stamps. These are forever stamps and will always be good for the current price of a 1 ounce First Class letter.
GIN gets a Bonus book of 16 Forever stamps of my choosing. So GIN total will be 36 Forever stamps!
Honor our country's World War II Medal of Honor recipients with this 17 x 22.5-inch mint press sheet (with die-cuts) featuring three prestige folios. One side of the sheet shows panes of 18 Medal of Honor: World War II Forever® stamps — positioned six across by three down — beside two Medal of Honor: World War II stamps that are framed by historical photographs of the last living recipients of the medal from World War II. The reverse side shows the folios' inner pages, which list the names of all 464 World War II recipients.
The two Medal of Honor: World War II stamps feature photographs of the Army and the Navy versions of the Medal of Honor (one on each stamp) hung from a light blue ribbon. The words “Medal of Honor” appear below in stately gold letters, along with the corresponding military branch name.
Made in the USA.