These have never been worn (I only had my tongue pierced for about 2 weeks, I never took the starter ring out). They are standard size, I don't know enough about them to tell exactly what gauge they are however when I bought them the lady said that they were the "common size that most everyone wears". You get all three tongue rings plus two sets of bonus balls so you can change them around as you wish. The bonus balls are black with white stars and blue with white stars. The balls that are currently on are two black and silver zebra print and one blue and silver zebra print.
I *only* ship on Saturdays, so depending on when you win the auction it could take up to 7 days before the item is shipped out (for example if you win late on a Saturday night).
I *only* ship to verified addresses, so please do not write me an email with a address in it. I will not ship to you if you are not verified.
Also, on a last note, I pride myself on being very courteous and truthful when it comes to this site. All I ask is that you're the same back :) I am a trusted seller and other then a stretch that I was in the hospital and was not able to continue with shipping my items out (people who won did not receive their items during that time and it resulted in some negative feedback) I have always shipped everything out in a timely manner and have no issues.
Thank you for looking (and reading haha) and HAPPY BIDDING!