each person receives a diaper as they come in. Somewhere after all your guest have arrived, you have everyone look inside of the diaper to see if they are a winner. those with the diaper that has the brown paint are the winners. Or you can take out the multiple "dirty diapers" and just have one winner.
I had placed mine in their grab bags. with prediction card and pencil so that everyone would not be looking inside the diaper right away.
I am about to list prediction cards lot and grab bags lots. Give me to the weekend to do so. Its hectic around easter time, with me building the easter baskets to fullfill orders.
i will be watching for the prediction cards and grab bags my sister is going to have a baby don't know what she having they don't want to know. and i never did a baby shower in my life so looking for ideas on here and hoping to win things also. thanks