Free: 8 1/2" Euro Bracelet: Spring Rains - Bracelets - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 8 1/2" Euro Bracelet: Spring Rains

8 1/2" Euro Bracelet: Spring Rains
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The listing, 8 1/2" Euro Bracelet: Spring Rains has ended.

Another bracelet that measures 8 1/2" that fits a large wrist nicely and handcrafted by me.

I call this one, Spring Rain. It contains 4 spacers, 4 blue and 2 clear gem stone (4 each) spacers and 1 large blue - 5 stone spacer, along with 2 blue and 2 green faceted spacers and 2 green with blue curly-q's, 2 green with pink and blue swirls, 2 blue with green lines and finally 2 white with blue and green lines beads and 1 stopper bead.

These colors remind me of a nice spring rain before the sun is fully shinning. Beautiful!

Mother's Day is coming soon, this auction will end 1 week before, so it can be delivered before Mother's Day. Great gift!!!

Shipping is $3.00 and payable ONLY by PAY PAL. Send payment to: (copy & paste)

I ship upon payment... I like to ship as soon as the auction is over.
Questions & Comments
Would you set a GIN? I'd love to be able to just get it without having to bid if I could afford a GIN. It is very beautiful. Fanned and watching. :)
Apr 26th, 2014 at 7:27:00 AM PDT by
I did add a GIN.
Apr 27th, 2014 at 6:22:59 AM PDT by
I added a GIN.
Apr 27th, 2014 at 6:21:22 AM PDT by

8 1/2" Euro Bracelet: Spring Rains is in the Jewelry & Watches | Bracelets category