Free: As For My Household Candle Holder - Home Decor - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: As For My Household Candle Holder

As For My Household Candle Holder
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The listing, As For My Household Candle Holder has ended.

Nice display piece with the Bible quote of But As For Me and My Household, we Will Serve The Lord. Joshua 24:15

Dimensions shown on picture. This is a candle holder but could be used for any number of things such as a planter, an "as is" decor piece, container, etc.

Not sure what it is made out of but I think it is wood.

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Thanks For Looking And For Your Consideration - Happy Bidding!
Questions & Comments
I fanned and am watching, please check out my Auction too, and Fan me back, Thanks
May 2nd, 2014 at 2:01:56 AM PDT by
Thanks - fanned back. Right now it looks like you only have one auction open and it isn't really something I am interested in at this time. Do you ever offer anything other than bath stuff and fishing lures? I will check it out occasionally.Do you have a pet alligator?
May 3rd, 2014 at 9:00:54 AM PDT by
I used to Live in Texas, had aligators around me a lot. But we lost our home to Hurricana Ike and so were forced to move. You can move, but you cant take the Texas out of a, we own a Gourmet Artisan Store where we create in house recipes, and have created over 50 types of Caramels. I think on ebay we only have a few Auctions up, and we have our WEB SITE under construction again. We had to place things on Hold while I went to the Mayo Clinic for a specialist to Sew up my Shredded nerves due to an accident I was in. They found that they could NOT help me. So now, I am paralyzed on the left side lower body, but God Provides wonderfully, I have nothing to complain about, others out their are hurt way worse then Me. God is Good, and my Husband stays home and takes care of me. We are just RE Starting to get things rolling again and will have more to place on Listia Soon, but I can NOT sell Food for Auctions here per their rules. so that does limit things here. But after Mothers Day, we will be selling ALOT on Ebay. only a few auctions up right now, doesn't represent all that we sell. ANYWAY, my ebay id is this: shalomhandiwork_gifts
I do not own a pet alligator, this is well, not an alive alligator in the picture. For Listia we will be selling for POINTS, lots of organic skin care bath and beauty items soon. After Mothers day, oh and ofcourse our fishing lures and fishtank decorations. Ok, thanks, and I just LOVE this auction for sure!!! I hope I can win it!!!
May 4th, 2014 at 12:11:28 AM PDT by
Wow, that is quite the story. Texas to North Dakota, that must have been a real culture shock! I love your outlook on life - we should all be that way. If you don't mind me asking, what type of an accident were you in and what do you mean by "shredded nerves?" You have a wonderful husband if he is willing to stay home and take care of you - hold onto him and don't let go. My God continue to bless you.
May 4th, 2014 at 12:40:35 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
What is the coloring on this?( it looks blue however not all monitors display colors the same so I wanted to check to see the exact color) Thanks so much.
May 4th, 2014 at 11:56:30 AM PDT by
It is a bluish-gray color
May 4th, 2014 at 11:59:53 AM PDT by

As For My Household Candle Holder is in the Home & Garden | Home Decor category