The listing, *Heirloom* Yellow Zucchini Seeds (15) has ended.
This listing is for 15 Heirloom Yellow Zucchini Squash seeds.
Soil and Nutrient Requirements
Plants need loose, fertile, well drained soil with plenty of nitrogen and a pH 5.8-6.8. Fertilize seedlings with fish emulsion if leaves yellow.
Full Sun
Seeding Depth
Seeding Rate
Direct seeding: 2-3 seeds every 12-24", thin to 1 plant
Plant Spacing
Row Spacing
When to Sow
Days to maturity are from direct seeding, subtract 2 weeks if transplanting. Direct seed as soon as chance of all frost has passed or start transplants 3-4 weeks before planting date. Optimum soil temperature for germination is about 85ºF and little or no germination occurs below 60ºF. Harden off plants by reducing temperature, water, and fertilizer. Many growers plant multiple successions of summer squash during a season to ensure continuous harvest, transplanting the first succession immediately after frost-free day and the final succession three months before the expected first frost.
Best quality fruit are harvested at 5 – 8” or smaller, while skin is soft and somewhat glossy. Harvest fruits every other day to for best size and quality and to maintain plants’ productivity.
Fruits are very perishable, but will store 3 to 4 days at 35 - 40ºF and 90% relative humidity.