Free: Original Poem - Other Art - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Original Poem

Original Poem
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People are always saying that technology has made the world a lot less cultured, what with the atrophy of grammar and language, lack of thoughtfully written messages, and even the loss of personal visits because you don't have to see someone to talk to them. I like to think that technology doesn't have to mean that culture is dying. In fact, technology should make it easier.

One of the longest standing traditions of the world is poetry. Poetry is good for more than school assignments. Poetry can be an expression of the inner soul, it can be an excellent form of entertainment for children because of the lyrical way the words are written, it can be a memorable way to tell someone how you feel about them, a fun way to say thank you, or anything. The possibilities are endless!

If you win this auction, I will write an original poem for you. You must give me the guidelines and topic of the poem that you want so that I can get it right. As many details as you can give me would be great!

Thank you for your time and happy bidding!
Questions & Comments
I don't believe that technology has lead to the "atrophy of grammar and language" either but it does make people think they are skilled at things like poetry... not saying you aren't but if you choose to pick an example of a writing stick a more thought provoking concept rather then saying you believe in your own form of "love" You clearly caught my attention but its better to appeal to listia members by showing other examples of your works on various topics and when they feel satisfied with the idea that you write excellent poetry, then they will start bidding in hopes of having a masterpiece of a poem in the end.
May 7th, 2014 at 2:53:21 PM PDT by
If I win, I hope you hold your promise of a good original poem.
May 7th, 2014 at 2:55:22 PM PDT by

Original Poem is in the Art | Other Art category