Free: Encyclopaedia Britannica CD's - Other Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Encyclopaedia Britannica CD's

Encyclopaedia Britannica CD's
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The listing, Encyclopaedia Britannica CD's has ended.

Ever wanted your own set of encyclopedias, but never had the space to store them or money to by them? Nows your chance to get the great, modern alternative: Digital encyclopedias! I got the digital encyclopedias free with my Newsweek subscription and never used it. They are copyright 2004/5 and are two CD's. PC and MAC compatible.
One can only imagine that they have everything could want in a digital encyclopedia. These can come in handy with your son or daughters school reports - reliable information without having to search multiple books and websites!
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Electronic media computer book PC MAC
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Trying again.... :)
Mar 10th, 2010 at 1:30:57 PM PST by
hehe, I hope you win! There were two bidders last time and you were one of them. So logically you should get it :) Cheers~
Mar 10th, 2010 at 5:06:16 PM PST by

Encyclopaedia Britannica CD's is in the Books | Other Books category