Free: @@@~~~Organic Salve You can make~Who needs Neosporin?~~~@@@ - Skincare, Bath & Body - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: @@@~~~Organic Salve You can make~Who needs Neosporin?~~~@@@

@@@~~~Organic Salve You can make~Who needs Neosporin?~~~@@@
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The listing, @@@~~~Organic Salve You can make~Who needs Neosporin?~~~@@@ has ended.

Great antibacterial properties without the water so it seperates into a layer that forms over and protects the skin while the active ingredients are carried to the affected area. :)

Great for skin chappening, cracking skin, diaper rash, cuts, scrapes, sunburn, bites, stings, conditions such as hemmorhoids, and for rubbing into sore muscles and aching backs, as well as anything else you want to use it for.

This DIY recipe will be emailed right here on Listia so we both know you received it. :)

Please note this Listia Policy
Seller1.Unless otherwise agreed upon by both the winner and seller, you must ship items out within 7 days from the day you receive the winner's approved shipping address and shipping payment (if applicable)

If you look under "Buyer", the same goes for you.

In other words we both have a 7 day grace period to complete this transaction so please do not hound nor dispute if you do not hear from me when You want to hear from me. :)

Let's all have fun here on Listia! :)
Questions & Comments
Hi, I plan to win this Auction, Great Auction. I fanned you and have a HIGH bid, I will be watching closely so that I don't get out bid here, thanks so much
May 11th, 2014 at 1:33:26 AM PDT by
lol :) You go, Girl!!!!!! You go after what you want :) I wish you the best of luck! tee hee :) Thank you for everything and have a wonderful day and if you're a mom/aunt/godmother,etc., Happy Mother's Day!!!! :)
May 11th, 2014 at 3:30:42 AM PDT by

@@@~~~Organic Salve You can make~Who needs Neosporin?~~~@@@ is in the Health & Beauty | Skincare, Bath & Body category