Free: Quartz Crystal - Long - Mineral Specimen - Other Collectibles - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Quartz Crystal - Long - Mineral Specimen

Quartz Crystal - Long - Mineral Specimen
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The listing, Quartz Crystal - Long - Mineral Specimen has ended.

Another score from my box of rocks. This lenghty Quartz crystal has multiple amazingly smooth crystal faces that love to reflect and shine in sunlight! The clear to smoky crystal is boldly contrasted with bright orange semi-hard mud? coating in some of the cracks. If one was inclined, the coating could probably be removed with a brush after a good long water soaking. I did a quick rinse and brush and very little came off, but with my fingernail I can scrape some off. Beautiful! Coin for scale.

Size: Approx 2-3" wide x 1" tall x 7" long
Shipping $4 (over 1 lbs), USA only, -Paypal, M/o concealed cash.
I will combine! (into a flat rate box)
For more rocks and specimens see my other auctions!

Rock, gem, mineral, raw, natural, stone, crystal
Questions & Comments
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out of credits!
Mar 15th, 2010 at 5:39:24 PM PDT by
Thanks for bidding mate :)
Mar 15th, 2010 at 10:24:43 PM PDT by

Quartz Crystal - Long - Mineral Specimen is in the Collectibles | Other Collectibles category