I KNOW you won't ship this. Even if you possess the responsibility to take this to the Post Office, when you find out it costs $20 or more to ship then you will back out. This is a common noob failed auction. I've seen this go down hundreds of times. I'll continue hatin', It's my hate and I'll do what I want with it.
Once you list the item you can not sell it to someone. the auction has to finish and you will have to honor the high bidder by shipping the item. I just got burned on a x box one with a newbie
that is a boy- not man as Mario- you are a FAKE!!!!!!!!! Im going to report you!!!! Say bye..bye.. quamainjackson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHHHAAAAAAAAAA
There is no GIN amount. You don't have the option to negate on the shipping now that you have listed it and people have bid. I hope someone outbids me again, because this auction has become to fickle for my taste.
I just flagged all the comments in which dirty shady cash deals were being negotiated. Against the rules paulmuniz1 and quamainjackson. And to the seller, you willing to sell this on the side shows that you will not be committed to shipping this.
lol hot mess auction..... scam for sure... hey Quamainjackson, why bother? you don't get earned credits until the item is sent and the buyer has received..
quamainjackson I won it at work a few months ago and never open it May 10th 2014,10:31 PM quamainjackson Not still in original box,still in plastic.never been played you can't find these any where1 like May 12th 2014,4:29 PM quamainjackson I kno lol so why would i try to scam yall mother ***** crazy on here cuz i have a Nintendo in the box im tryn to scamMay 16th 2014, 3:10 PM paulmniz1 Lol! I would rather just give you money for this.May 13th 2014, 9:39 PM quamainjackson How much May 14th 2014, 4:46 AM paulmuniz1 Well the bet is at 82000. Thats like $82 so ill give you like $100. Really all depends on what you want for it. May 14th 2014, 7:15 AM paulmuniz1 Scratch that its like $120 according to the get more credits thing. So ill go $150. May 14th 2014, 7:34 AM quamainjackson Ok how you wanna do this May 14th 2014, 7:56 AM paulmuniz1 Ok here is my email. Maddash1203@gmail.com. quamainjackson I kno lol so why would i try to scam yall mother ***** crazy on here cuz i have a Nintendo in the box im tryn to scamMay 16th 2014, 3:10 PM quamainjackson Not still in original box ,still in plastic,Never been played you can't find these any where1 like May 12th 2014, 4:29 PM 'The above words are yours I just cut and pasted them " You said it was new in the box then said it wasn't in box now you saying again it is in the originalbox&you trying to sale it for cash on the side,mind saying what is for Auction?a new one in the box or in the plastic and have you sold it on the side or will the winner receive the item?
I dont think this is a scam granted he is not verified etc. but look how many times he has commented on his listing and like you all said he doesnt get the credits until you marked that you received it why is everyone *****?
but how many time he said it was in a box not in a box in a box etc and now not responding I have 4 of these systems with at least 50 games all games in original boxes with booklets which every game system we every had starting with this one all the way to xbox one we have always kept the game boxes with books and I'm 48 years old but I made my children respect the items but now they are taking up 2 closets in my house since my flock of birds have flown and we are now empty nesters we don't even have a game system hooked up but my kids have asked me to save them including every pc game that are in boxes so I just hope this guy don't start out by scamming on his first auction since that hurts Listia by people losing trust in others!
This is legit. Guys keep freaking out he won't sell it. Hell even posted photos with his name. This looks and seems real. I don't believe he got it when he says he did, but I think he is the owner and has had it even longer then he says.
How can you say GIN is free shipping, You don't have the option to even do GIN and you have already listed free shipping you would have to honor that. I have been burned on two auctions already proceed with caution bidding on this.
you have listed the same auction twice- this must be a hoax- unless you would accept a postage paid mailing card from me to ship directly to me?? Then I would bid HIGH!!!!!!! please answer your comments- you know you only get the credits when the buyer receives and marks "got it" only or newbie's..