I blocked that last comment because the person was being rude and I dont like rude comments. Lol. I dont really know about the price differences of these bubble mailers. I always ship first class but I bought these at the post office when I first started selling stuff and I never used them
I think if you paid for these at the post office you should go back and try to get your money refunded. The USPS does offer these free of charge and will even deliver them to you (check out their website at https://store.usps.com/store/browse/uspsProductDetailMultiSkuDropDown.jsp?categoryNavIds=shipping-supplies%3amailing-envelopes&categoryNav=false&navAction=push&navCount=0&productId=P_EP13PE&categoryId=mailing-envelopes). Not trying to hurt your auction, just don't want you to keep paying money for something or dealing with a shady postman!
Yes, these are FREE. You can even order them online and they will deliver them to your house for FREE. You really should get your money back if you did pay for these.