The listing, 3 PS3 Bonus Codes to Unlock 3 Guitars for Rockband 3 Emailed To You has ended.
EXCITING! ROCK BAND 3 Download Bonus Codes to Unlock 3 Different Virtual Guitars in the the New Rock Band 3 Game
The codes will be emailed within 1-10 hours of listing closure.
Where did these codes come from? One is the Amazon game pre-order code that gets you the Guild X-79 virtual guitar (see pic) unlocked, one is the Best Buy game pre-order code which gets you the Ovation D2010 unlocked and the last one is for the European "Stop" guitar. These are not exclusive codes and are universal.
DISCLAIMER: Game Not Included. This listing is just for information on unlocking the 3 virtual guitars.
How to Use Your Codes:
Step 1: Insert Rock Band 3 software into your console.
Step 2: From the main menu, enter the code using your Rock Band 3 controls ( the colored buttons on your plastic guitar).
Extra Information on entering the codes: You should be on the screen where it has the main options like Play Now, Career, Customize, etc. Down towards the bottom you should see your profile name with Start next to it. Just enter the codes on this screen and you'll get a screen pop up showing the earned guitar name once you have entered the color codes using your colored buttons on your guitar controller. Please note that the codes do not work if you are using a Guitar Hero World Tour guitar to try and enter them.