Wasn't trying to hound you Chris, just stating some reasons the phone will bid out low. With that info everyone is asking about, if answered this will go into the 6 figures area. Just trying to help.
Hi, It would help your auction if you provide more info, that way people will be more confident bidding. Taking pictures, listing accessories that are included (charger etc), the condition of the phone (dents, scratches, was it dropped) will drive more traffic in your auction. Good luck!
Its a real phone it work if you don't won't to bid than don't I could care last I could keep it but I have a brand new s5 and don't won't it nomore its just siting in the dreser
Still waiting for a response on the phone, hate to say it but it's a fake auction, way too many people creating quick accounts not knowing the rules as richarddolson5 stated.
Just a FYI, you won't receive the credits till the item is shipped to the buyer/winner of the auction, once received the buyer has to state they got the item and once they do that you receive them right away. If the item never gets received buyer can then start a dispute against you and if you have no hard proof like a tracking number or receipt listia will give the credits back to the buyer! With all this said I know you are new and we all were once, I hope your intentions are good on here! Thanks and welcome to the Listia community!
I have not been a meber long so it won't let me bit if u could find a way to port me 10, 000 credits ill remove iy and send it but if not its ony like 49 hours