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The listing, Winter coat for girl has ended.
I have a really nice, reversable, Dora the Explorer, girls winter coat. It's pink on one side with Dora's puppy. This is the heavy side for when it's cold and blue on the other side, this is the lighter side for when it's not quite as cold. The blue side is sort of silky and has Dora on the front with hearts.Is size 5T.
Questions & Comments
O.k. I got the pics. and am waiting for hubby to transferr them. He said he'd do it tonight when he gets home from work. We were very busy yesterday and didn't get home till very late so we were too tired to do it then. If she doesn't need the sneakers, since they are a size 1 like I said, I'll just go ahead and post them then for someone else to have. Will take coat to post office tomorrow to see how much they will charge to send it there and then get back to you about it. Sorry it's taking so long. Hope auction doesn't end. Have a good day.
All you have to do is find you own box to put itin or wrap it up in brown paper, Don't buy a box at the post office because they will charge you more. It should be no more that $6. Here is what I do with big clothing. I go to the store and get the biggest bubble envelope they have which is at wal-mart and it fits a adult coat. h adult coat only cost me $10.00 to send because it was aheavy winter adult coat with 3 layers. Or you can put it in a plastic bag then wrape the bag in brown paper, i also done that to make shipping cheaper. I am still watching :)
IDK what's going on. I went to the post office and asked them what would be the best way to send it. they said I'd be charged not only for the box, but also for the SH. They showed me one box and I knew it wouldn't fit in there. Then she said unless you use the flat rate boxes and they start at $14.99 then I'd be charged for the box plus the weight and the SH and it ships UPS air flight. I don't think you want to pay that much for it. You could just go to the store and buy one for what that would cost. I am still trying to work something out so just be patient. If auction ends I'll still send it to you cause I had already promised you but give me time to work on it and get back to you o.k. I'm very busy. I homeschool, cook, clean, etc. so pleaset try to be a bit patient. Thanks for your understanding and patience. Sincerely, Mary Lord
O.k. I finally got hubby to download pics and I uploaded them so now you can see the pics. I took a pic of each side of the coat. One side is light blue as you can see and is for when it's not quite as cold out and the other side is warmer and is furry and pink. It is able to be washed in the regular washing machine and, if you put it on timed, low heat, you can even put it into the dryer. Am going to go to post office tomorrow to see about cost of mailing. Like you said, shouldn't bee too much though. Was too busy to go Fri. and Sat was the Sabbath so we don't do any work on that day from Fri. night sundown to Sat. night sundown and the post office is only open till about noon on Sat. anyway. Today is Sunday so I will do it as soon as I can tomorrow. Get back to you about what they say. Hope you like the pics and still want it. If not, let me know and I'll put it back on the auctioning block again. Have a good night. Mary Lord
am still working on getting a pic up. asked hubby to do it for me today but he didn't get a chance. hopefully tomorrow night. I will check but I dont' think there are any stains or rips or tears on it. $6 or $7 that's not bad at all. I'll check with the post office on Monday and get back to you. hopefully by tomorrow night I'll be able to get a pic up for you. what about sneakers? does she need any of those? my daughter outgrew her size 1 sneakers with laces and just recently washed. kind of white and pink. will try to post photo of them as well. let me know o.k.? have a good day. LOL Mary Lord
Nice, I know my 3 yr old daughter would love this. Any stains, rips or tears? It should be about$6 or $7 to ship as I ship alot of things on ebay and on Listia. Please post apic. TY
IDK. It would depend. I'd have to put it in a box and take it to the post office and know your address and ask them how much it would cost to send it there? I don't expect it will be a whole lot since it's not a heavy item or several items making it a heavy package. Does that seem fair to you? If so, get back to me with your home address. I'll try to get a pic up tomorrow. I haven't figured out yet how to get the pics from the camera to the computer downloaded. Once they are on the computer, I have no trouble uploading them though. Hubby will be home tomorrow afternoon so I'll ask him to do it for me. Let me know if you are still interested. I'm willing to work with you on this and am trying to be fari. Have a good day. Sincerely, mary Lord
o.k. well I've never really used pay pal before. my hubby has an acct. with them though. when you pay with pay pal, how do I get the money then? let me know as I'm such a novice at this. can probably have a pic up for you by tomorrow when hubby gets home from work. I just washed it so it's clean and everything. just too small for my daughter now and definitely won't fit her by next winter. let me know and i'll try to see what I can work out for you then. Be blessed today. Mary Lord
i live in florida if its not much i could pay with paypal no money orders are anything i have already been ripped with a money order of 6 bucks , not sayin g that would happen here but can't take a chance unless i got jacket frist are we can work out something thanks but i am interrested in the coat
I'll see what I can do about getting a picture up. Hubby has to download things for me cause I don't know how to do it yet. So it may take a while. Also, where did you need it shipped to? Are you willing to pay for the shipping? Let me know and I'll see what I can work out o.k. Mary Lord