FREE: shipping lot of all you need!!~~tape~sharpie marker and labels!!~~ BRAND NEW 9 X 12 ~~~ENVELOPES
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The listing, shipping lot of all you need!!~~tape~sharpie marker and labels!!~~ BRAND NEW 9 X 12 ~~~ENVELOPES has ended.
everything you need to use for shipping labels to put over other evelopes nad maybe reuse some of the(I do recycle when some are not damaged and they are nice bubble wrap ones)
you will get 10 envelopes~~~large 9 x 12~great for stuffed auctions!~ 10~self stick 2 x 3 labels 10~~self stick 1 x 4 labels 1-black sharpie marker 1~55 YARDS ROLL OF SCOTCH PACKAGE TAPE
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shipping lot of all you need!!~~tape~sharpie marker and labels!!~~ BRAND NEW 9 X 12 ~~~ENVELOPES is in the
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