The listing, Huge Lot Of V-Day Cards Sets Read Description. has ended.
V-Day Cards Sets:
High School Musical V-Day Cards: 35
Hannah Montana V-Day Cards: 35
Disney V -Day( Cars,Monsters ink,Incredible,Toy Story,Ratutie,Chase,Nemo : 35
Princess V-Day Cards: 35
NBA Basket Ball V-Day Cards (Chris Paul,Dwyane Wayne,Allen Iverson,Kobe Bryant,Dwight Howard,Lebron James,Kevin Garnett: 35 (For total of 175 V-Day Cards)
Poster with Chris Paul,Dwyane Wayne,Allen Iverson,Kobe Bryant,Dwight Howard,Lebron James,Kevin Garnett
Stickers: 280 red heart stickers,35 Hannah Montana Stickers, 35 Disney Cars,Monsters ink,Incredible,Toy Story,Ratutie,Chase,Nemo (Total of 350 Stickers)
Tattoos: 35 High School Musical,35 Disney Princess
total tattoos 70
Grand total pack is 595 Pieces
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