Free: MTG, Rakdos Ragemutt from Return to Ravnica. NM / Mint Condition! - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: MTG, Rakdos Ragemutt from Return to Ravnica. NM / Mint Condition!

MTG, Rakdos Ragemutt from Return to Ravnica. NM / Mint Condition!
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The listing, MTG, Rakdos Ragemutt from Return to Ravnica. NM / Mint Condition! has ended.

The above item you are bidding on is 1 MTG card,Rakdos Ragemutt, from Return to Ravnica. NM / Mint Condition!

*** If interested in a GIN, PM me and I will set 1 up for you, plz keep in mind that the minimum amount Listia will allow me to set a GIN at is 2,000 ***

Verified addresses only! Free shipping. Check out my other Auctions. Smoke free.

If you do not provide a VERIFIED Listia address within 7 days of the auction ending I will keep your credits and re-list the cards.

All cards are sent out fast, and are sent out well protected, in a Soft sleeve placed into a Top-Loader.
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MTG, Rakdos Ragemutt from Return to Ravnica. NM / Mint Condition! is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category