Free: LeeLee's Wish List with a Mystery BOX Come See make a Wish and LOTS MORE !"*_*"! - Other - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: LeeLee's Wish List with a Mystery BOX Come See make a Wish and LOTS MORE !"*_*"!

LeeLee's Wish List with a Mystery BOX   Come See make a Wish and LOTS MORE !"*_*"!
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The listing, LeeLee's Wish List with a Mystery BOX Come See make a Wish and LOTS MORE !"*_*"! has ended.

OK This one will be a Little Different... The Winner of this Auction will get a Mystery Box ...What Will be in it will Be of course What I put in it and All My Friends that want to send something with a Note to put in this Mystery Box Will Make this Much MORE That Way This could Really Be A Bunch Of Nice Things from Loving People that Love to Help Others Everything in this Box will Be Something Special From the Great Wish list Listia Family that You All have Helped form You Don't have to send anything if you don't want its up to you Anyone can Bid... While your Here please leave a List of anything you may Need or your Family Needs Or you want to see people List more of on Listia... We Have Fun Here Please Share what ever you like as long as its a Positive Note...We PRAY For One Another so Please if you have a Prayer Request Leave that too... You can also leave your Add.(If You Want).. Who knows you may just receive something in the Mail from One or more of us here in the Family that has Formed we sure Have Allot of True, Giving, Caring, Loving ,Helpful, And Understanding, GOD LOVING Group of People here!!! Please Join, Come Back As Often as you like and see if there is someone you can or would like to help in Need... Or If Someone has left a Comment about helping you... I Like focusing on Needs More then Wants if you can Please try and Narrow it to that.. I also Have a Bath And Body Box I will explain More about in the Comment Section ..Thank You So Much GOD BLESS YOU ALL!! Lets Have FUN Once Again...Oh These Photos are Of My Flowers and Gardening as this 2011 Summer Goes. I will have One of these Auctions up at All Times.. So Please Keep Coming Back...."Think Positive" ("*_*") Please Read The First Few Comments I will Update as time goes By..
Questions & Comments
Hello, and Welcome Once Again..GOD Is GOOD!! Lets Do This Again Shall We? So...If Anyone of you want to send me somethng to Add to this Mystery Box to Help me out some I could use it. It's Up To You!! Please Put a Note with it and it will go in the Box too With whatever you send to put in.. Be Creative.."*_*" My Add...Leandra Karamas 413 Fayette Ave. Akron Ohio 44319... GOD Bless All Of US!! We Need to Keep Praying For All Effected by these Storms and Japan and Texas Fires.. They ALL Need Our PRAYERS!!
Apr 28th, 2011 at 5:40:55 PM PDT by
I want to Start this Auction out by Praying a Prayer.......Dear GOD I come to you now and Ask you please be with ALL the Ones in Need weather it be Health, Comfort from Loss, Need of $$ .....We All Have Needs we would like Met Only if you See Fit ..I Ask that you Work your Work and I ask you to Please Help me to Shine with Your Strength and Faith and Joy that you Bring to Me and Let my Light Shine so Others Know it is YOU Shining through me... I want to Thank you For All you have Given me and continue to do for me..I Thank you for All the Wonderful People you send to this Auction so we are Able to help one another... I Pray that you Please give All the Ones effected by the Weather comfort and Peace and Faith so they can get through each and Everyday... I ask you to be with All our Family members that are Fighting for Our Freedom and Please Bring them Home to their Families Safe and Sound ... I ask.. you Help Others Open their eyes to see that Helping one another is Such a Wonderful Blessing and Giving to Others Is a Wonderful Blessing ....I Thank you Again For All the Blessings that you Give to Us All... I Ask that you be with all the Request that were left here and the ones yet to come and ask you Please show them I Appreciate them Each and Everyone!! I Ask All these things and for Any Unspoken Request I Ask All this In Your Precious HOLY NAME and IN YOUR Will Be Done Amman andAman
Apr 28th, 2011 at 6:14:41 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Very nice auction lee, hope you dont mind me promoting mine with yours, please feel free to promote yours on my comment pages ,everyone please take a look @
Apr 29th, 2011 at 7:03:41 AM PDT by
Alright you Found it!!! LOL Yes This Lady has some the Nicest things you should check them Out
Apr 29th, 2011 at 8:32:27 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
ok i have a to rant for a minute here. sorry LeeLee ba habit if i think something i say it, you can flag my comment if u want to i wont mind..
Ok if your gonna come on Listia and ask for gift cards b/c you cant afford presents for your child's birthday. why do you have auctions for gift cards???? why are you spending money on gift cards to all those different places if you cant afford stuff??? DONT MAKE ANY SENSE TO ME !!!!! DOES IT TO ANYONE ELSE???
Im sorry LeeLee just ha to say whats on my mind there...
May 12th, 2011 at 6:57:22 PM PDT by
All I WILL Say... is that I Put this Auction up and at the top I say to please Be Positive and I would Really like to ask Everyone If you have things that can cause an argument or a Negative Vibe I ask that you Private Email that person This Auction I want to Keep Clean and I want Others to Keep coming Back and when there are Bashing and Discussions as this it causes allot of people to not want to come back....This has been Such a Great Place for People to come and I want it to STAY that Way So Please lets Not Bring those types of Comments here Thanks LeeLee
May 13th, 2011 at 12:10:29 AM PDT by
Hey LeeLee. :) I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for all of your kind words that you left on my Cross listing. I know that you are a wonderful person and I just wanted to say thanks for the person that you are. I list items on here to give to people because I have been blessed with many things from the first click of the mouse button when I first started Listia almost two years ago. It's been a long journey of ups and downs with people degrading my listings and me burning up the block button. lol It's so nice to have people like you on the site that will give words of encouragement and let the negative comments fly by you. lol Hope all goes well with all of your listings and my God shower you with the abundance of his wealth.

I want some flowers. lol Thank you.
May 12th, 2011 at 10:39:02 PM PDT by
I would Gladly send you some seeds if you like...Thank You for your Kind words too!!! I speak my Mind and try to be as nice as possible while Speaking the Truth and I Do Love to be Positive and Not let the Silly Nonsense get in my way...I will always be watching your auctions from here on!!! I am also Listing one of these Wish List Auctions at all times and I Hope to see you come back and share from time to time..I Love to see a Long time Member Like yourself that does as you do List as you List and Believes as You do...Thanks For Brightening my New Morning that GOD has given me...TTYL LeeLee
May 13th, 2011 at 12:02:41 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
my wish list is for God to make away for my daughter to get some gifts for her birthday on May 23. I live on SSI and all my money goes for bills so I don't know how I'm going to get her any gifts.
My daughter really wants an Ipod touch.
She is very picky she likes to pick her own stuff.
If anyone can help me out with some gift cards for her. It would be greatly apprecaited.
Some of the places that she likes to shop are Wal mart, Target, and Kohl's
send to
Briahna Boudreau
221 S High St
Janesville Wi 53548

Also, we are in need of help with getting food and personal items, so if anyone can help us it would be wonderful.
May 12th, 2011 at 4:26:23 PM PDT by
So Did you Like your Mothers Day Auction You Won From Me???
May 12th, 2011 at 4:42:35 PM PDT by
I Would Like to Ask at this time if All cold please Pray for my Brother He has Cancer in his Brain and Spine and is in his 40's I would ask that we All Pray for him and his Wife They are going through ALLOT and Would Really Appreciate your Prayers Thanks So Much
May 12th, 2011 at 3:40:14 PM PDT by
Hi LeeLee, I'm back. I have another Best prayer rock pair up on auction. I also have a $10. Subway Gift card that ends Sunday PM.. Come on over~the coffee is freshly made LOL. Blessings (*.*)
May 12th, 2011 at 3:11:33 PM PDT by
OK My Cup Needs a Fill "*_*"
May 12th, 2011 at 3:27:29 PM PDT by
i just want to start off by saying thank you for creating this site for people to help people by posting the things they do not want and others do instead of throwing it away...on second note i do have a prayer request...please pray that i find a job and that our financial situaiton gets better and that we can start to afford the gas it takes to get my husband to and from work, and that we do not have to worry about feeding our kids as we do now..thank you for keeping me in you're thoughts...God Bless you all
May 12th, 2011 at 2:34:40 PM PDT by
How Sweet and Thoughtful!!! I Will For Sure Keep you in My Prayers!!! GOD Bless!!!
May 12th, 2011 at 3:29:10 PM PDT by
I just love your heart of gold. I'm going to try and put together a box of little girls clothes and see if I can con her out of some of her toys. She likes helping people too. Do you think cleaning supplies or toiletries would work for your box?
May 12th, 2011 at 12:09:50 PM PDT by
Sure would and BLESS You!!!! You are the FIRST One to Offer Thanks So Much How Nice!!
May 12th, 2011 at 1:18:52 PM PDT by
I Pray For The Ones that "Prey" on Drama and Live their Lives around it!!! I DO Pray that they See the Light and Realize that there is So Much More to Life then That!!!..{"*_*"}
May 12th, 2011 at 10:55:32 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Hello everyone and LeeLee. Just stopping in to say hello to everyone and to see what ive missed the past couple days.. Im feeling much better, my doctor put me on some kind of medicine and it help alot. things here are looking better but we still have ALOT of cleanup to do an then we get to start the rebuilding process.. so far we've had Charlie Sheen, Hank Williams Jr an our lovely mr President come to bama. Hank Jr is putting on a benefit concert for the tornado and flood victims and charlie sheen started i think its called "Torpedos against Tornados" website.. and we FINALLY got BP to help !!!!! much needed gas and oil being put to good use cuttin up trees and hauling off stuff. Thank you all for your prayers for us here in Alabama and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!
May 12th, 2011 at 10:43:08 AM PDT by
You Must have got my Email ....I was touching base with you to see how things were going and how you were Thanks for stopping by and giving us heads up Take Care Lee
May 12th, 2011 at 11:39:41 AM PDT by
this is so nice, so i will try to be short on looking for a barometric pressure indicator. the glass ones, looked on ebay, way too high, this is for a migraine sufferer. thank can contact me here on auction, thank you...
May 12th, 2011 at 9:00:02 AM PDT by
Hmm I will look one up I am not real sure what your talking about but soon will after I research..Thanks for stoppng please come again..Lee
May 12th, 2011 at 10:18:44 AM PDT by
Hi leelee and everyone, just stopping in to say hi, leelee I love your advise on how to entertain a child! with the dressing the stuffed animal, I know my daughter would have loved that!! I will have to try that with my grandaughter!!I also saved plastic containers and lids and they were a big hit, I think partly becouse I would only let them play with them when I was in the kitchen, so they knew and was very excited each time they got to play with them,we had a specail place in the kitchen cupbords for the plastics that I saved just for them!
have a wonderful night, God Bless you all,,
May 11th, 2011 at 6:52:07 PM PDT by
Exactly I would always pick them up right away once done in the kitchen ..Of course by the time I was done with what I was doing they had about enough of playing with them for a bit so it give me a minute to pick up & put out of site and move to something else...I also did not give them all at once I would wait til I seen them maybe getting tired of what they were playing with and added along the way so I Could continue with what I was doing and know where they are. at the same time...Thanks for stopping in Love seeing and hearing from you ...GOD Bless YOU...Love LeeLee
May 12th, 2011 at 1:08:32 AM PDT by
I love what you're doing here! This has opended a whole lotta eyes, mine included!! Take care!!
May 11th, 2011 at 1:30:57 PM PDT by
Thank You, It's All For Good Intentions..Please come Back...
May 11th, 2011 at 2:52:51 PM PDT by
Good afternoon lee lee i have now started physical therapy and it is killing me.. although we found the rightful owner to the dog we took in.. my husband has just took on a second job so i am now home alone with our 3 year old from 5am until 9pm and it has been very stressful but im trying to hang in there but being 7 months pregnant and my 3 year old in the not wanting to listen to me stage doing what he wants kinda thing is rough i have been praying but with not having any family close by i feel im begining to go insane so please pray i keep my sanity :) thanks Everyone and im glad Lee Lee you have this wish list auction cause it gives people a place to vent and a bit of hope or maybe a smile or 2
May 11th, 2011 at 9:43:19 AM PDT by
yes indeed are very welcome and I am glad you like coming I hope you keep coming back...You will Make it with your situation... I will Make a List of some things that you can get the Little One to do, to keep him busy and occupied.. you will be surprised and it should keep him busy and let you get other things done or even just set and watch him having fun and be able to relax so I will get that together and email you soon as I get it together for you...Mamaw's can come up with some neat ideas that work that we wish we could have done with our own when they were little ...that's why is so different being a Grandma... We do with them what we wish we could have done with our own...LOL...TTYL LeeLee..P.S. Start Saving all your Plastic Lids off laundry soap bottles Seasoning Bottles any Plastic Lid ..Save them that will be part of what you will need...."*_*" Something for Starters is get some of his out fits and a Medium Stuff animal and bring them out in living room or where ever you want to set and relax and let him dress his animal with socks shirt and shorts etc... A Couple different ones Not Too Much Or it will Just End up Being Frustrating for him... Start out with just one outfit and one Animal ... Sometimes Different things like that will keep them busy more so then their toys ..also when your Cooking, give him a Big Plastic Bowl and A Few Big Plastic Spoons, Spatula a Pan and let him have them on the Floor there while your cooking just nothing he can get hurt with sharp edges etc...I will get more to you later on "*_*"...LeeLee
May 11th, 2011 at 3:17:47 PM PDT by
Wow..what a great auction..I have see your other wish lists and enjoyed reading all the nice comments that people leave you...what a nice following you have here...I can't think of anything I really need, but my step-brother and his wife are having their first baby a girl in if anyone has any girl stuff that needs a good home you could send it to me..Amanda Wilson..13351 NE 6th street, williston, Fl 32696
I also think it would be a great idea to do a box for the flood/tornado people and also to the and my friends are baking banana bread for the troops..anything from home is nice for them to get!! Thanks again for listing..It's nice to see all that love on your page! Have a blessed day!!
May 11th, 2011 at 7:56:51 AM PDT by
I Know it gives me Goose Bumps when I read some of these comments and then tears then smiles then all in one emotions its amazing the Love and Care Giving People we Have here and that we can all gather and not even leave our house and Pray for one another Laugh Cry and just chat all at the same time Making a Good Set Of Friends Prayer Chain etc..Its just GREAT all the way around...I am So Glad GOD Put it on me to do this I Know that there is Still So Much Good to Come from these Listings I Personally don't do it to Gain Anything but To Form a Good Strong Faithful Group of People and I Gain So Much Strength just Reading what others Share on here I have Really Learned and Come to Realize Just How many Needs are Out there Be Big or Little along with all the Health Issues that So Many of us Have...GOD IS SO GOOD and I Know with us All Pulling together and helping one another we CAN and WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! LEELEE
May 11th, 2011 at 2:51:15 PM PDT by
god bless us everyone
May 11th, 2011 at 7:25:29 AM PDT by
Big, Small, All Colors, Honest, Dishonest, No Matter Who We Are.... What We Are.... GOD Loves US "ALL" !!!! "*_*"
May 11th, 2011 at 7:50:24 AM PDT by
I wanted to show support for this listing and it's purpose..
Another personal thought, to be considered by all, Read if you choose too...

Prayer is a way to reach out to God.
It can not succeed until we realize that it asks for nothing.
In fact unknowingly though we may not see right away.
God answers all our questions before we ask;
supplies all our needs before we request them.
Pray, then, and receive what is given; to accept what is already there.
Prayer is a melody of thanksgiving and love.
Forgeting the things we think we need and let them go into God's hands.
Prayer is a time of stepping aside; letting-go of the world;
a time of peace and solitude; a time to listen and love.
God will answer us from the vastness of His Creations forever.
His answers are for all of eternity,
yet contain the specific knowledge we want or need to fullfill His will.

My Loving Father, today I bring You our worry, fear, and guilt
to place into Your Hands of Light.
As you accept our burdens, We will feel the weight lift, and know that we start
each day a renewed person in Your everlasting Love.

Teach us to forgive ourself"s and all others.

Teach us to accept ourself as You do.

Teach us to Love as You do, unconditionally with compassion for all people.

Thank You Father for Your gift of life and Love.

Thank You for holding us safe and secure.

Thank You for being there when we need You.

For it's in Jesus Name we come humbly before You Amen.
May 11th, 2011 at 7:17:40 AM PDT by
May 11th, 2011 at 7:46:15 AM PDT by
my sweet sister girl, you are so thoughtful. as far as making a box for a military person you know how i feel about that, my son in law is gone now away from his family wife and 3 small children but he never complains and neither does she. both are young 22 and 23 both are so brave , they amaze me. most would be whining and crying ,these two are so devoted to each other and they knew what they were getting into. anyway. military is good.
the only thing on my wish list would be xxlg depends/adult diapers desperately needed. medicare will not pay for such luxuries as these for my husband. it is ashame.
May 10th, 2011 at 7:18:22 PM PDT by
I have a Very Sweet Friend that is So Much like you are... that Sends these boxes out on a regular basis she has a Heart of Gold and also has a Son Serving ...He is So Young 21 and She Worries all the time about her Baby...I think GOD Wants this Whole Country to Wake up Quit Fighting and Bring All our Love ones Home Call a Truce or something Just Bring them home and Quit the Violence Mercy Enough is ENOUGH!! Love YOU SIS!!!!
May 11th, 2011 at 2:20:46 AM PDT by
Sorry my last spelling was horrible I guess it's time for me to go to bed! although my whole body aches I am not tired. I miss my husband so much and can not wait to be back in the working world again so i can petition his papers to come back here as a permant resident he is my rock in the lord that keeps me anchored through all these storms. i feel a little better already just geting all that junk off my shest thank you for listening, Reading! and Lee Lee thanks again for this awesome auction!
May 10th, 2011 at 7:08:38 PM PDT by
Ideed... You are Welcome....Good Night ..."*_*"
May 10th, 2011 at 7:20:02 PM PDT by
Sooo... Heavenly father please bless all those that have been affected by the disasters that mother nature has released upon this world, give us the wisdom and strength and knowledge to help in every way we can, help us to bring our lost brothers and sisters back to you. And help us to recieve those Blessing that you have in store for us that we stand in need of.
We ask these things in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen

Oh also I have a lot of things I can send down there to Alabama I just have no way to pay for shipping right now, If Anyon e in the Detroit area is making a trip down there or can halp with shipping iam more than happy to help out from all my extras. I have clothes soaps, toothpaste, lotions, Hauir gel and a ton of stuff I could pack up and send, Just pm me ad we can take care of that.
May 10th, 2011 at 6:57:31 PM PDT by
So Very Nice ...WOW Sure Was Allot of Readng.... Just Stay Positive... You Get What you Give!!..."*_*"
May 10th, 2011 at 7:15:57 PM PDT by
@stitches for you, I just want to say i am sorry if i offended you telling you that there was no weight limit on flat rate boxes mailed within the usa actually I found out now there is a limit of 70lbs but I am not out of the country i was just trying to let you know that the 20 lb weight limit was for international mailing. I would have pm'd you but i have been blocked
May 10th, 2011 at 6:45:59 PM PDT by
May 10th, 2011 at 7:20:24 PM PDT by
(Cont) Since I was recieveing foodstamps I had to turn the employment verification in and she told them She paid me $500 which she has not paid me one cent since the day I started I told her I could not afford to keep working and not get paid, then she posts on Fb that Loving and caring are more important than any money that is paid. I said true too bad those words are missing from your actions lately. to which she said she is loving and caring and my response was if this is what you call loving and caring I guess I have seen that brand of loving and caring before in Dv relationships. so she call our bishop and tells him I am acting crazy and that when I found out she had not paid me that I called her yelling. I advised this was not true and when i had called her I had been sitting between to elderly ladies at the podiatrist because i am now having foot problems in addition to back pain from over exerting at her employment. And if had I been yelling I would have been escorted from the office by security which did not happen. So Now I am back in Physical therapy and have heel spurs in my right foot the podiatrist said I have over 30 of them. Anyways I told her in front of the bishop because it is true and anything I truely need God provides a way for me to get it. I advised her I am not mad about the money because it comes and goes and really in one rent check It's gone, I am upset and depressed that she used me me like that, she stole over 100 hours of my time from my son, now she does not even call to ask how either of us are and before she called me 3 times a week sometimes everyday. Now she will not even say Hi to me in church.
Anyways please pray for me to find my way out of this depression I am in for my sons sake
May 10th, 2011 at 6:43:11 PM PDT by
Shouuuueeeeee Lot of Reading...................
May 10th, 2011 at 7:20:55 PM PDT by
Hi everybody! I love this auction, thank you for posting it LeeLee, Any ways My wish is for understanding, of a few a things. I fell on the bus last year and injured my back had a herniated disk, bulging disk, and the circulation was cut off to my right leg. so most off last year I was barely functioning from June on. never missed a sundau at church because i feel called to be there(except the Sunday they finally operated) I have a now 2 and a half year old son. Anyways thanks to not having thr money for his visa to be extended they deported my husband before all this started and shortly after our Van was stolen. Which left me on the bus, The bus driver slammed on the gas as i was boarding and that is how i was injured, The lawyer now says there is a law in michigan that says i can not sue, If I hafdnot had emergency surgery the Sunday after thanksgiving I was advised I would have died as the disk was pressing on some nerve that would not allow me to go to the bathroom. Anyeways the understanding I seek Is how a member of my church who is the children's leader ( I am the young womens leader) begged me to come to work with her and I used my tax return from the 2009 that I was late filing to pay for transpotation as It was over an hour each way to get to her office in Pontiac, mi and child care for 3 weeks, worked over 100 hours and did research and stuff for her online at night fro home, since she did not have a computer running at the office, Then shew comes over one day and tells me I need a list of all the hours you worked so I can pay you. Of course I got that from my child care provider, and gave it to her and she says Oh I can only pay you for 35 hours out of the over 100 that I worked which did not even break even with what I paid in child care, She even made me work 15 hours one day alone and says I can only pay you for five after the fact of course
May 10th, 2011 at 6:11:57 PM PDT by
May 10th, 2011 at 7:21:48 PM PDT by
Sweet sweet people and idea and auction. God's Peace.
May 10th, 2011 at 12:13:30 PM PDT by
Thank You and Sweet Of You To Come and Leave a Nice ..Kind Message...Thanks So Much!!
May 10th, 2011 at 6:24:25 PM PDT by
what a pretty sun filled day. God sure is blessing ny with birds singing, sun shineing and a gentle breeze. keep a song in your heart and on your lips.
May 10th, 2011 at 6:49:39 AM PDT by
I Know the last few days have been Gorgeous!! I have got so much done and My Body is so sore LOL Muscles ... I have not used in a while...But I Feel So Good with the Accomplishments... Now I think we are getting Storms tonight...But we can use a little H2O
May 10th, 2011 at 6:42:33 PM PDT by
Kids with Down's Syndrome can be a blessing all their own. Most of them live very happy lives and show lots of love.
May 8th, 2011 at 12:34:19 PM PDT by
Yes They DO!! You Are So Right!!!
May 8th, 2011 at 1:57:22 PM PDT by
Sure Is A Pretty Day Today!!! Happy Mothers Day to Everyone Of my Listia Mother Friends!!!!! Sure is Slow on here past few days....Let's Liven Up People Come On Now!!! "*_*"
May 8th, 2011 at 5:54:07 AM PDT by
Happy mothers day to all the mothers on listia
May 8th, 2011 at 7:10:22 AM PDT by
Aww Thank You ....Hope You Had A Great One Too.
May 8th, 2011 at 2:00:02 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
My daughter is 20 yrs old and is 5 mths pregnant with her second child, she was just told by the doctor her unborn baby has symptoms of down syndrome and asked her if she wanted to terminate pregnancy, she said no it was not gods will for her to end, she is going to have to stop working and be a full time mom and will be in need of items for her new baby,diapers, health care , clothes any thing greatly appreciated. she is having a boy and is due sept. 22,2011.thank you all in this listia family. i am so glad i found this sight. i have met many nice people and made some can send to any donations to amber johnson / in care of patricia lane 4709 pearl rd cleveland ohio 44109.thank you in advance and god bless all of us!!!!
May 7th, 2011 at 9:12:13 PM PDT by
Ahhh I am So Sorry I will Pray GOD Works a Miracle and The Baby be Born FINE Sometimes Those Dr.'s can be Wrong and I Do Know GOD Listens and I am Sure Others will see your Post and help out with what they can... Happy Mothers Day!!!
May 7th, 2011 at 10:53:37 PM PDT by

LeeLee's Wish List with a Mystery BOX Come See make a Wish and LOTS MORE !"*_*"! is in the Other Stuff | Other category