This collection of ebooks had about 30 or more ebooks in it some of which I hada hard time finding over the past 25 years. Gives many beginners and advanced witches fresh new ideas and approaches to our craft. The potions book alone I have personally used over and over again for the past 15 years. Winner pays exact shipping I think is only fair I am giving it away after all.
Sounds fair to me! It's good of you to share something that you've worked so hard for over the years! I was a solitary for 7 years before joining a coven. About to dedicate to my Goddess. Then in another year & a day (my 3rd!) I can ask for my wings as I am a lightworker in physical healing. I think your ebooks would contribute wonderfully to my library! Thank you for making this auction possible for others to bid on! Brightest Blessings!