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The listing, Lamb Of God: Walk with me in Hell has ended.
I tried to sell this on e-bay, no bids. Let's see if I can sell it here. I just want it gone, my faith is tugging at me to do so. IN fact, if this item doesn't sell by the end of May, it will be destroyed.
This item has 2 discs, no scratches, and has been played no more then three times through.
I'm sorry that you feel the way you do, and I am sorry too that you would let the words of another decide what you would or would not do. Just like myself and indianspirit, YOUR sins are forgiven as well. I pray that some day you will be open to that, and if that happens, you will understand why she feels the way she does. HOWEVER, I cannot judge, because my sins are just as condemning as everyone else's. I am nothing without my Jesus, and He is all I truly need. May God bless you.
What is your "faith"? That it is tugging at you to do so. It has 2 discs. Is that a CD disc or a DVD disc? MORE INFO IS NEEDED in order for someone to bid on it. I might bid on it, if it is a CHRISTIAN music cd. Is it? sally
I am a born again Christian, Christ following believer. It is not mine to judge who's soul goes into Sheol, however, and not mine to tell someone what they can or can't listen to or be interested in. I appreciate that "steel sharpens steel' and I appreciate your concern for the condition of others' souls.
I am already giving this away for "points". Shipping for this can't be more then 4 or 5 dollars, which is a super bargain. Sorry I won't ship for free. If you can find this set for under 6 bucks, I suggest you snatch it up, because that's what you're going to pay for this from me.
Thank you for the iron sharpens iron. That is true. However, though the Bible says "judge not lest you be judged" the scriptures also say " By their Fruit you shall know them". If in one's life there is no fruit, they might be in danger of hell and its our commission from Jesus to "go into all the world, preach the gospel", and in another "compell them to come in". EVEN Jesus "judged" the sellers at the temple when folks came to make their offering unto God, the money changers were overcharging, being greedy, on the steps of the house of God, and Jesus judged them, threw them out and called them a den of thieves! RIghteous judgement and righteous anger. Point being, it's all to be done in love, we are to reach out and lead others to Christ, doing all we can to make sure we've done our part. Thanks for letting me speak. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you pease.
Thank you friend. I fell away, once, when I was a very young married woman, for 4 years I lived in darkness. I literally had no direction, no joy, unhappy, confused. Then., like you, I had a very powerful experience with TOTAL REPENTANCE. I was humbled before the Lord, He really knew my heart, forgave me, and I made a convenant with him that I would serve him all the days and the rest of the days of my life. That NO matter what came, I would serve him. I have. Through the death of my grandson and the asking why Lord? My dad and my mom, whom I never saw serve the Lord, but they believed in him, which is not enough. Bible says you can't serve man and mammoth (satan). But hopefully, as the Bible says, they will be "saved yet so as by fire". Meaning, when they stand before the judgement and satan accuses them, and they have nothing to offer Jesus but their salvation in hand, then Jesus will say, BUT they are mine and you can't have them! Yea~!
Yes, I've experienced the same things you are growing now. I've been a christian, living FOR the Lord since 1974, 37 years and still growing in the knowledge of the Lord. If you are not learning, you are lacking. Remember that.
I remember throwing away a tiki god made from Lava from when we went to Hawaii, the eyes glowed green. Instead of throwing "things" away like that, best to break them up then disperse them. Once, I was at a yard sale there was a Oiuia Board. I bought it and right there in front of the owners, I broke it up and threw it into a garbage bag. I told AFTER I had bought it, what I wanted it for and why and used that as a witness to them of the love and power of God and not of the devil.
Yes, I too had a TOTAL REPENTANCE. It started as a small prayer right after I had smoked some drugs and got scared. My prayer started out more for my own soberiety, until the Spirit touched me. Before long I was weeping, and not long after that, weeping turned to all out bawling. I was weakened, collapsed on my knees and face (right in cigarette butts and filth, just where my heart was), and soon, I was no longer able to even speak. My eyes stung and were swollen, and I was completely broken. Just where God needed me. He found me there in the filth, and had me raise my head. This is where it REALLY kicks in. Everything was completely still. Not a bird was sounding, no dogs barking, no lawnmowers, no laughing and playing of neighborhood children. THE EARTH WAS COMPLETELY STILL for me. I heard my voice, and my body was talking, however it was the Spirit who was conveying the following message; "Satan, I have a message for you. This message is not from Jason Meinhart, but from Jesus Christ within him who has ALREADY conquered you. You WILL stop attacking him, you will be done. In Christ you are bound and cast away from my servant, Jason, and you have NO POWER OVER him ANY LONGER!!!" By the time the Spirit finished speaking, I was standing fully upright, hands outstretched to my sides, yelling at the top of my lung's capacity. This was Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. What I felt was not the AGAPE love of God you would have expected, however I was FILLED with the complete and total authoritative POWER of the Spirit within me. Then I was again weak, and I sat in my chair, and started again into repentance. This was a different type, it was Joy filled, Praise His holy name. I still get goosebumps thinking about it.
Me too! Total outloud, non stop, bawling for hours!! Cleansed by Jesus himself. I was made "anew", literally. I NEVER, NEVER looked back after that night; never.
The Bible says: "Whom the Lord has set free, is free indeed". That's you and I. :) Learn the Word, hide it in your heart that you might not sin against Him. Pslams 119:10-12 I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Praise be to you, O LORD; teach me your decrees. (Psa 119:10-12 NIV)
Satan WAS the high angel of God in heaven, until he thought he could be higher than God, that he could be God himself. So could showed him who was boss and thru him out and a bunch of his henchmen with him and banished him to a fiery eternal place of fire, and PAIN unbelievable, everlasting. Satan STILL can't do anything without God lets him. The Lord God almighty reigns! Trust me on this. Sure, I don't understand WHY God "allows" really, really bad things to happen, like murder, rape, and all those other really heinious crimes. But the Word says "by God do ALL things consist". the operative word there being ALL, ALL, ALL.
Awwwww, there is ONLY 1 God. Just like in the Highlander movies, "there can be only one". The Holy One of Isarel said himself "You shall not have ANY other Gods before me". Operative words there, "NOT ANY".
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. This passage in Romans has inspired me and so have you. I was raised in a Christian house, and fell away, (more than once). I recently had a very powerful experience with His authoratative power, which ignited a fire within me. I have been getting rid of all those things which have born bad fruit within myself. Hoopefully, whoever wins this bid has read our posts and that will allow their spirit to be convicted to ask WHY my faith has been tuggin at me to do such things. Thanks for your love and compassion on myself, as well as this subject. After this auction (which already has bids), such things will not be sold/placed up for bids, and THAT, my sister in Christ, is how iron sharpens iron. Finally, Jesus, fully man and yet fully God, IS creator and author of all things, and will come to Judge the living and the dead, and therefore had the justified right to judge that which He knew was not born of God as he overturned the money changer's tables. I have not the wisdom, yet, to discern that which is Holy and justified anger, and that which is fleshly and sinful anger. As He uses this vessel for His purposes, I will increasingly grow in His knowledge and my faith. God bless and keep you, thorugh our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
I love satan!!! May 7th, 2011 at 8:15:34 AM MDT by Gaarasb
Gaarasb 555 credits May 7th 2011 8:51:50 AM MDT <-- you got the wrong number. Remember the number of the beast adds up to 666? My friend is winning this auction, and I will do with it whatever the winner pleases. I should have destroyed this and not posted it. However my God is powerful enough that He is using this auction to ensure you all are receiving some conviction by His Holy Spirit, and hearing His words. AMEN!!!