The listing, 20 Texas mountain laurel seeds has ended.
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Texas mountain laurels look like an ordinary shrub for most of the year. They have multiple trunks and dark, glossy leaves. Around March they will bloom with dark purple clusters of flowers, similar to but larger than lilacs. Native to central Texas, mountain laurels like warm weather and are drought resistant.
They must have full sun and grow best in well drained, alkaline soil. It can be difficult to grow mountain laurels from seed. You should soak the seeds in water for 24 hours and plant several in one hole to help ensure germination. Plant mountain laurel seeds in late May, and the tree should be developed enough to bloom the following year.
1- Choose a spot to plant the mountain laurel. The plant likes full sun and moist but not soggy soil.
2- Dig a hole 1 to 2 inches deep and drop in 3 or 4 seeds. Cover the seeds with soil, but do not pack the soil down. Leave it loose, so the seeds can sprout upward more easily.
3- Water the seeds generously, so the soil is moist but not soaked. Once the plant begins to sprout, check the soil every other day. When it begins to feel dry, water it.