Free: Historical WESTERN Romance PB - Abilene Gamble by Margaret Conlan - Fiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Historical WESTERN Romance PB - Abilene Gamble by Margaret Conlan

Historical WESTERN Romance PB - Abilene Gamble by Margaret Conlan
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The listing, Historical WESTERN Romance PB - Abilene Gamble by Margaret Conlan has ended.

All books listed here on lista are in good condition unless stated otherwise. They have been read before and have tight spines. Most all have creases in spines and possible dog eared pages from previous readings. Some may have creases to the cover. Please look at the picture. This is the actual book or books you will receive.

We state this in every ad so that you understand you are not bidding on a pristine, brand new condition book. If there is moderate wear or excessive creasing it will be listed as acceptable or there will be a note in the ad.

Thanks for looking We ship all books First Class up to 8 oz, Media Mail for 9+ oz via the US Postal Service. First Class can take 3-5 days, Media mail usually takes 7-10 days to deliver.

We accept Paypal only at this time. All orders will ship within 48 hours of receiving payment.

We are NEW to Lista but have over 11,000 feedbacks on one of the other popular on-line sites.

Please bid with confidence!!

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Jun 1st, 2014 at 3:26:22 PM PDT by

Historical WESTERN Romance PB - Abilene Gamble by Margaret Conlan is in the Books | Fiction Books category