The listing, ★ ★ ★ If G.I.N. is used I will ADD one rooted { A.K.A. mother-in-law tongue / Saint George's sword ❢ has ended.
★ ★ ★ If G.I.N. is used I will ADD one rooted { A.K.A. mother-in-law's tongue } also called snake plant, Saint George's sword ❢
FYI : You will get 13 rosettes w/ roots of Autumn Joy !
The waxy blue, succulent leaves of this long lived perennial thrives in full sun and poor soils. Boldly colored, rosy pink, flat topped, flower clusters appear in late summer, then age to a salmon bronze hue, and finally turning a Fuchsia color in fall. It's tight growth habit w/ no flopping over makes it a good filler plant for the perennial border and & garden.
Picture #1 {13 } green starter pieces/nubs start after winter
Picture #2 Depicts color sedum are stems are before they turn Beautiful Fuchsia color ! Height { 7" to 14" tall }
Picture #3 After feeding mine with miracle grow Deep Fushia Color
Picture #4 G.I.N. & I will ADD one rooted Saint George's sword ❢
✿ Fyi: these grow in plentiful & will return forever ✿
✝ Live Life Positively ∞ I ♥ shopping Listia ❣
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