Free: <<$$ 5.OO Possible $$ 25.OO>> <<GIFT CARD OF YOUR CHOICE>> - Gift Cards - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: <<$$ 5.OO Possible $$ 25.OO>> <<GIFT CARD OF YOUR CHOICE>>

<<$$ 5.OO Possible $$ 25.OO>> <<GIFT CARD OF YOUR CHOICE>>
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This Stuff is Free Too:

The listing, <<$$ 5.OO Possible $$ 25.OO>> <<GIFT CARD OF YOUR CHOICE>> has ended.

The winner of this auction with credits from 1~2500 will recieve a $5.00 gift card of their choice..wal-mart, amazon or anywhere as long as i can get it online or have access to in my city I will get it for you~ and as a bonus for each additional 1000 credits added to the original 2500 credits an extra $2.50 will be added to the total......<100-2500=$5.00> <2501-3500=$7.50> <3501-4500=$10.00> <4501-5500=$12.50> etc.......<up to $25.00> ***winners choice***card or code and as always ***free shipping***~***good luck & good bidding***
Questions & Comments
GREAT auction and thank you for listing!
May 3rd, 2011 at 9:10:24 PM PDT by
thank you
May 3rd, 2011 at 9:22:56 PM PDT by
Hi can you tell me if there is an activation fee for any of these cards? TY!!
May 6th, 2011 at 6:59:32 PM PDT by
none that I know of , they are worth exactly what the card is worth
May 6th, 2011 at 7:24:35 PM PDT by
TY for responding. If you look at the back of the card it would say if there is an activiation fee to activate card. Most cards have them and if yours don't - I'LL BE WATCHING!!!! :) GREAT AUCTION!!
May 6th, 2011 at 8:06:50 PM PDT by

<<$$ 5.OO Possible $$ 25.OO>> <<GIFT CARD OF YOUR CHOICE>> is in the Other Stuff | Gift Cards category