Oh my goodness, these are the best! Hard to find & if you do find them, expect to pay a pretty penny! I own 2 sets myself and got goosebumps when I saw this....these have like a cult following & I could be the leader! And free shipping? This is truly one of the best listings I have ever, ever seen! **Going to calm down now**
tried fanning but must be at my limit....but am watching What is the width of rollers? I haven't used Curlers for years (I will be 60 and have never been to a beauty shop either) - I'm one of those that styles my own hair with Large Bobby pins till hair dries, and that works great for long hair, just cut 12" off 2 years ago and hair is again halfway done my back. That's why I want to know the size of the curlers. Thanks for your time ;)
Gonna try to win these maybe squeek by on the credits. Always spending more than I have. LOL. Please fan me so I can fan back when no longer at my limit. Thank you