Free: 10 (fruit bearing) Sea Grape tree seeds #1 - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 10 (fruit bearing) Sea Grape tree seeds #1

10 (fruit bearing) Sea Grape tree seeds #1
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The listing, 10 (fruit bearing) Sea Grape tree seeds #1 has ended.

This auction is for 10 fruit bearing sea grape seeds.
The sea grape tree is a native of Florida.

Small shrub to medium sized tree up to 30-ft high. Sea Grapes take on a number of growing habits and can also be found as spreading shrubs, growing only a few feet high. The rounded, glossy, red-veined leaves are quite distinctive. Blooms from spring to fall.

In late summer it bears green fruit, about 2 cm in diameter, in large grape-like clusters. The fruit gradually ripens to a purplish color.

Hardiness: Sea grapes are fairly hardy plants in tropical zones, surviving light frosts with little damage. Temperatures below 30F for any length of time may kill the plant. I live in the Central Florida area and my tree died back this past winter, but it's coming back. We added plenty of mulch around the tree base and kept it covered during cold nights. They grow fairly fast once they get going!

Propagation: By seed and cuttings.
Culture: partial shade/full sun, drought tolerance.

Uses: The grapes are often used to make a delicious jelly and are also popular with birds and squirrels.
Also used by some to make wine. Plenty of recipes online to teach you how to make sea grape fruit clusters into something tasty!

Other: Bonsai; fruit tree; hedge; wide tree lawns (6
feet wide); medium-sized tree lawns (4-6 feet wide);
recommended for buffer strips around parking lots or
for median strip plantings in the highway; reclamation
plant; screen; shade tree; specimen; residential street
tree; tree has been successfully grown in urban areas
where air pollution, poor drainage, compacted soil,
and/or drought are common

Native Range: Native to seashore regions throughout tropical America. Best for tropical zones. Grows well even in sandy soil.

Questions & Comments
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Thanks for making the first bid Vicky :)
May 4th, 2011 at 6:12:43 AM PDT by

10 (fruit bearing) Sea Grape tree seeds #1 is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category