Free: 3 types RARE White Heirloom Tomato seeds. White Wonder, Super Snow White, Cream Sausage - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 3 types RARE White Heirloom Tomato seeds. White Wonder, Super Snow White, Cream Sausage

 3 types RARE White Heirloom Tomato seeds. White Wonder, Super Snow White, Cream Sausage
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The listing, 3 types RARE White Heirloom Tomato seeds. White Wonder, Super Snow White, Cream Sausage has ended.


I have more types and color sets listed!!
Copy and paste this link into your search bar to see all of my seeds:

5 seeds of each type.

If you're bidding on multiple seed auctions, let me know so I can ship your packets together.

Seeds will be mailed first class in a regular envelope. If you'd like a bubble mailer, I can quote you a shipping cost. Seeds will be individually packaged in plastic zip bags.

The seeds were organically grown, 2013 harvest, open pollinated. I grow and collect all of my own seeds in my own organic garden. All of my seeds are non-GMO. They are properly handled (fermented in the case of tomatoes), dried, and stored in a cool place for optimal germination.

The last 2 photos are of other types of tomatoes I will be listing.

I grew 62 types of rare tomatoes this year,
Check out my other auctions for more seeds!

I will have a website soon, with all of my seeds with photos and descriptions on it. PM me for a link.

White Wonder:

Mild, sweet flavored with high sugar content. They are yellowish-white inside and out when matured and large (from one up to two pounds) on bushy, leafy plants.
This old heirloom is good for slicing, juicing and canning. Even the large sized fruits maintain good texture and flavor.

Super Snow White:

This is a large cherry tomato with a low-acid, mild flavor. The pearly, pale yellow fruits are crack-resistant. Cut in half for salads, since they are too large to eat whole. A nice, early tomato

Cream Sausage:

Bred by Thomas Wagner and named Banana Cream. Introduced by Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds as Cream Sausage. Yellow elongated plum-shaped fruits with meaty flesh and pleasantly mild flavor. Great for salsa and salads. Productive bushy plants do not require staking, excellent for containers. Determinate.
Very good sweet flavors. Great for making a sweet salsa or a delicious yellow pasta sauce.

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Jun 6th, 2014 at 8:45:39 AM PDT by

3 types RARE White Heirloom Tomato seeds. White Wonder, Super Snow White, Cream Sausage is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category