SUBMIT A REVIEW There’s just something strange about a gold penny. First of all, gold pennies don’t exist… unless you’re a 20th-century alchemist who knows something about the science of alloys. Modern day alchemists, cleverly disguised as chemistry teachers, often share the secret of making gold pennies. Students take home an unforgettable lesson in alloys and a keepsake penny that can never be put back into circulation. Materials 20 mL of 6 M NaOH 0.1 g zinc dust Evaporating dish Hot plate Tongs 200 mL beaker of water Penny Bunsen burner or a propane torch
St. Patrick's Day Science - Making Gold Pennies - See more at:
Right. Well thanks for your opinion. But just so happens that I got these from my dad who runs a pawn shop. A guy tried to pass them off as solid gold and then my dad acid tested them. and they proved to just be GOLD PLATED. So before you bad mouth someones auctions make sure you actually know what your talking about. Thanks.