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The listing, ♥ Blessed 21 Day WICCAN/PAGAN Auction ♥ has ended.
This Auction is a 21 Day Blessed ♥ Wiccan/Pagan Auction
** New Items will be added EVERY-OTHER-DAY ** ** FREE SHIPPING **
Day 1, June 4 HAND MADE... ALTAR CLOTH... over 9 years old.. used.. blessed.. My Camera sucks.. it's Black with 'royalty' purple and Gold Trimming.. all HAND STITCHED.. HAND SEWN... *** there is NOT ANOTHER ONE *** ONE OF A KIND made by ME !!!!!!
I woke up this morning, and I had an auction already going.. that would have ended today.. but since I used the phrase " Free shipping IF bid gets to 150,000", they banned it and took it off, so I had to reword it.. and start over :(.. but hey.. learned something new.. but I have seen other people do that..
At least they were kind enough to send you a message, I was wondering how to notify people.. ?? then now I'm wondering if they will credit me the credits I used to make it Premium ?? It really doesn't matter, but yet it's the principle I feel.. but anyways.. yes, Its on.. and I didn't use the word IF, or Segregate anyone.. ugh.. Thank you dear, yes we are doing well :) Blessings.. <3
Listia took the other off because I said shipping would be covered "IF" it reached a certain amount..I've seen older Listia members do that, so I was just following :( and then they took the auction off the day it was to bid.. but you can't keep a good woman down :)...lol
Good numbers.. and Good month.. :) .. I'm finding out quite a bit about June as my 'inherited daughter' has her birthday in June.. Moonstone.. pretty stone.. she's learning now ♥ her 'biological' mother didn't want her.. just recently.. who could not want a precious child.. ? She just needs love.. no one understood her.. I think she's special in a number of ways.. and you have to understand Gemini's.. once you do.. she's not "hard to handle".. she gets bored easily.. and very, very smart..
I'm so sorry, I was shocked, upset, disappointed.. all because of the word IF.. I read other's 21 day auctions, even from 'experts'.. and they used it.. so why should I be penalized.. but hey.. gives me a chance I guess to reshow.. :).. smile it's ok.. they took off all my auctions except 2.. it's a bummer, but it'll all be ok.. I'll reword to their liking.. on this bid I was told I couldn't use the phrase 'ONLY'.. like I did before Only-the-True... but it took them almost 21 day??? sometimes I don't understand their logic... but hey.. If I did, I would have created this site right??
oh blessed be she is a sweet child of nature and a great gemini as well and she sounds like she has lived a life very similar to mine and it is good that she finds trust in you shame on her biological mother she will reep what she has sown in her due time but just keep loving her and she will feel it from your kindness and yes us geminis can be something else at times but we are fun loving and free spirited by nature and a bit fiesty too thats just the twin in us but just keep up the great work with her i know she must appreciate you <3
The only other 'two' I have available at the moment for 'sale' are on my website.. I have a 'skull/lace' one and a 'lace pentacle' one http://nancybsfancies.wix.com/wiccanitems
Looked for your etsy page at the address you gave us in your listing and there's no page by that name. Was looking forward to seeing more of your items.
I would like to say, and I hope I can speak for us caring Listians, that we are happy to have you. You seem very nice. Thank you for the great auction, again!
You could've said the same wording, as long as you didn't originally list FREE SHIPPING, cuz then the credits don't matter, it's free shipping. The other auctions you've seen, have a shipping cost, like a flat rate or exact shipping, then say that they will offer free shipping if it reaches a certain amount. Basically what they're saying is if you have the auction listed with free shipping and the credits only reach 30,000, you can't charge the winner shipping, because it didn't reach the 150K(that would be like a hidden charge). In order to charge shipping, it has to be listed from the beginning and then you can offer FREE SHIPPING later. Sorry to go on and on. I just want to make sure that I'm getting y point across correctly.
I hope to be able to bid on this auction...I need to expand my Wiccan collection. Thanks again!
Blessings ♥ I Appreciate all the input and how everyone 'words' it differently because sometimes I get it, and sometimes I don't.. and if things are rephrased, or stated differently.. then it's a *smack on the head* now I get it... I really do appreciate all the help, because sometimes, some of the 'rules' I just don't get.. .. Thank you so much ♥ .. and I realize how many 'listian friends' are out to HELP one another.. and that makes me like Listia a bunch more ♥ Thank you and Blessings ♥