I don't know if it is fake its new I just put all the info that was on the wallet! If you know it's a fake Please tell how to fine out! Please! Don't be rude! If you don't want to bid then don't !
Oops..but she, annabelsmith471, attends other name brand purse auctions and casts dispersions on the authenticity of the bag. We are all perspective buyers and it is our responsibility to research if we wish with out benefit of a bully stinking up the place. Ban her
Due to the high level of expertise required to authenticate designer items, the authenticity of the item in this listing cannot be determined by Listia or a moderator. It’s the seller’s responsibility to accurately represent the authenticity of this item. If you’re a bidder, we urge you to thoroughly research any items you’re interested in before you place your bids. As mentioned in our Policies page (www.listia.com/policies), we don’t allow any "replicas, fakes, counterfeit items & unauthorized copies or illegal use of trademarks."
Sellers and potential bidders, please refer to this site for possible assistance in verifying authenticity - http://forum.purseblog.com