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This Stuff is Free Too:
This one is only around 25 years old and I bought it new. It's never had anything in it. it's right under 2 1/2"s. The bottom is pewter encrusted in daisies all around with a rose imprinted stopper and frosted glass. Pretty in a modern day sort of way. Would make a great addition to a collection.
Questions & Comments
To be an antique it should be over 100 years old. It is vintage.
I guess I would be worried about the terminology if this was Ebay. This was definitely made in another era in time. (say 50's) so I guess it's safe to say "vintage" I'm sorry this offended you when I was just trying to raise the value of the object and since it's free, really!
Trying to raise the value by not giving an honest description of an item is not okay. I think we should always be honest in our descriptions and our dealings. It goes with being a trusted and ethical seller. Antique is 100 years and vintage is 25 years or more.
I shouldn't have called it an "antique" even though it was sold to me from an antique store. It should have been "vintage" but thanks for making me feel better.
Very pretty. Wow whether you use the terminology Antique and/or Vintage we get the point it is 25 yrs +. It's pretty, it's technically free and free shipping. I think a personal inbox is much better for this sort of thing and tone down the nastiness! Remember if you have nothing nice to say just move along and keep it to yourself. Sorry just wanted to say fabulous item!
I always was told by people I know in the antique business that an item is considered to be antique once it is 75 years old. Anything younger then is considered as vintage. Where the people get the 100 years is baffling to me since I have people in my family who own antique shops in both WV and KY and they always say the same thing my friends in the business say...75 years of age. Just letting you know donavan that some people think they know for a fact but can actually be thought of as totally wrong LoL!
Well I just googled it and they are right and my folks and friends have been wrong they do say today it is 100 years but it was less than that in the past. I guess I have egg on my face but I only went by what I had always been taught. Well I can say this...I won't ever be considered antique now LoL!!! Shame on me but I call that good fortune then. But I truly had been told by those people it was 75 years maybe they changed it over the past years. I do not know I am not an expert I only know what I have been taught.
That's what I did the other day was to Google it and found that. I guess I know now and won't try to sell anything as "antique" anymore because I have nothing thats over 100 years old!
I have read a great definition of "vintage" from a poster here some time ago..VINTAGE: ' I haven't seen one in a while..' There are other defintions as well that he/she wrote and I took the liberty of writing them down for MY own use and everytime I go on e-bay to view for purchasing, I look at my card (where they're written) and I get a good chuckle...need the chuckle because shipping cost is a reality check, but a necessary evil...here are the rest..1) ANTIQUE-"My grandmother used to have one" 2) VINTAGE-"I haven't seen one in a while" 3) OLD-"Mines in the attic" 4) CLASSIC-"Popular last year" 5) RARE- "Listed on E-BAY no oftener than once a week" 6) UNIQUE- "Only a dozen left" 7) COLLECTABLE- "I thought it was great, but I don't want it anymore" 8) SCARCE- "I need to get it sold before I misplace again" 9) RETRO- "Covered in plastic and price jacked up" I wished that I kept the posters name, they deserve all the credit for such insightfulness
It is very pretty as an antiqued vintage bottle! I just love it but I know if I bid on it then it will become rare because when I touch it I know I will drop it and then it becomes trash because when it fell out of my hands it shattered all over and now I will have to call an ambulance to come and get my broken bloody hands and wrap them up for being such a ditz wait no a clutz that is it a clutz so what do we call it after I touch it....GONE!
I got hit by the idiot stick today I think...oh crap that means I have been on eBay again and my old man is gonna shred my pay pal account...he already took the cards....as if I can't use them if he has them Yeah right I won't use them will I teehee!
Huggles and happiness to all bid bid bid bid on that pretty n old bottle ya'll I would but they ran out of movies today AGAIN! shame on them limiting me cause I do the surverys and after 29 minutes they say that I don't qualify so I no longer waste my time after doing them for like 400 times a day. catch ya later donavan have a happy day...be blessed!