The listing, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Story Stones with BONUS Puzzle has ended.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Story Stones with Puzzle!
Here's an example of a story you can use with these (courtesy of my 5 year old) you can follow along with pictures 3-5
She sang the mickey mouse club house song (of course LOL)
One day Mickey and friends were looking around and saw lots of bugs, pluto wanted to eat the ants but mickey said dont do that pluto! Mini found some tracks and mickey had a grass hopper jump on his head! They saw lots of bugs and animals but mickey wanted to see more
mickey asked Goofy if he wanted to go on his airplane. goofy said well gawsh mickey id love to but whose gonna watch the kite? Just then donald said he wanted to go!
so mickey and donald went up into the airplane and waved at all their friends below.