Free: Tiered Movie and Tv Show Auction *New movies listed that weren't on past auctions! * - DVD - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Tiered Movie and Tv Show Auction *New movies listed that weren't on past auctions! *

Tiered Movie and Tv Show Auction *New movies listed that weren't on past auctions! *
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The listing, Tiered Movie and Tv Show Auction *New movies listed that weren't on past auctions! * has ended.

Please read carefully.

I’m cleaning out my DVD collection. All are pre-owned but they all work and come in their cases.

Here are the rules of this auction:

-Under 3000 credits you get 1 movie of MY choice.

-For every 3000 credits you get 1 movie of YOUR choice! Which means…..

----Over 6000 credits you get 2 movies of your choice!

----Over 9000 credits you get 3 movies of your choice and so on.

-If the auction gets to 30,000 credits I’ll throw in 2 movies for free so that’s =12 Movies!
Questions & Comments
Here are the movies in alphabetical order:
50 first dates
air force one
barnyard (the original party animals)
the bank job
big daddy
big fish
blade trinity (unrated version)
the butterfly effect
can’t hardly wait
catch me if you can
children of men
city slickers
the da vinci code
Devils advocate
die hard 2- die harder
die hard with a vengence
dragon- the bruce lee story
employee of the month
the fan
first blood
from hell
galaxy quest
gone baby gone
the green mile
the heartbreak kid
interview with a vampire
the jackal
jackass number two (unrated)
knocked up (2 disc collectors edition)
the last castle/ the peacemaker (2 movie set)
the last of the mohicans
the last samurai
legends of the fall
lions for lambs
lord of war
man of the year
matrixmatrix reloaded
matrix revolutions (2 disc set)
minority report
mission impossible box set with all 3 movies (count as 2 movies because of weight)
moonlight mile
mr deeds
my best friends girl
the ninth gate
oceans 11
oceans 12
over there
the passion of the christ
pirates of the caribbean (the curse of the black pearl)
pirates of the caribbean (at worlds end) (2 disc set)
patriot games
the prince of egypt
the chronicles of riddick
saturday night live best of adam sandler
saturday night live best of will ferrell
se7en (2 disc set)
spy game
stephen lynch (live at the el rey)
superbad (2 disc extended edition)
true lies
wall street (2 disc set)
x2 xmen united
you me and dupree
you’ve got mail

Tv seasons counts as 1 movie

survivorman season 2
Always sunny in Philadelphia season 3
Always sunny in Philadelphia season 5

counts as 2 movies

lost season 2
lost season 3
scrubs season 3
scrubs season 4
scrubs season 6
south park season 10
the unit season 1
the unit season 2
the unit season
The office season 4
The office season 5
The office season 6
Jun 11th, 2014 at 1:37:00 PM PDT by
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What about "House", "Friends" & "CSI"?
Jun 13th, 2014 at 1:23:04 PM PDT by
Would you do knocked up and employee of the month
Jun 15th, 2014 at 12:33:47 AM PDT by
Would you do Gin ffor both them ill give 5500 for both movies
Jun 15th, 2014 at 12:34:48 AM PDT by

Tiered Movie and Tv Show Auction *New movies listed that weren't on past auctions! * is in the Movies & TV Shows | DVD category