Free: Handmade Worry Tree - Other Craft Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Handmade Worry Tree

Handmade Worry Tree
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Handmade Worry tree. Great decoration and conversation piece. Approx 2" tall. I started making these for my son that worries.....alot. since then people have been asking me to make them.

My worry tree
I have a great big worry tree, it used to be quite small. But these days it's heavier, and has grown quite tall.
You see, if I had a worry I couldn't quite work out, I'd put it in the worry tree, and then I had no doubt.
A friend gave me the worry tree, she said it helped her through. I know there's been a lot of times it's helped me too.
So if you have some worries dragging you down, get yourself a worry tree to take away your frown.
Questions & Comments
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Is this something you can put your rings on?
Jun 19th, 2014 at 5:46:26 AM PDT by
I think this is more of a keep sake.....
Jun 19th, 2014 at 6:06:05 AM PDT by

Handmade Worry Tree is in the Crafts | Other Craft Items category