I once had a Flip camera for 2 years and loved it. For people who don't know about these types of video cameras, it has recording features and a USB that flips out to hook to a computer or laptop to transfer videos and can be edited with the software that comes built in the device. You can share videos instantly with social media and YouTube. The complete box comes with a case and an AV cable to hook up to TV. You can play back videos on the device itself and it has integrated speakers for audio playback. It has a microphone and a red LED light option on or off while recording. It also has the a port on the bottom for a tripod. It does take 2 AA batteries. You can choose to delete any selected videos from the device or from the software on a computer. In order to view and save videos on computer you have to first install the software by first plugging it in the USB port. It is a simple and fun way to make videos and is quite durable. I dropped mine a few times on concrete and it still worked for me. Just wanted to let people know more about this item to help anyone out for this auction. It's a great auction, good luck people! F+W
Thank you Nathan Stoner, that helps alot on making my mind up on weather i wanted to bid on this item or not! You were alot of help! Nice action Icooperjr!!!
No problem, and the software is already built in every Flip camera. As far as the AV cable, the seller should tell you if box is complete with in it or not. But if you were to purchase on at a store it all comes in the box.
You can find them on Amazon or Ebay or you might be able to find one at Walmart still or a pawn shop. The price vary depending on what type of Flip camera you get, for example, an HD Ultra will be more expensive that an Ultra, etc.