Free: Book - The Glass Castle - A Memoir - by Jeanette Walls - Nonfiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Book - The Glass Castle - A Memoir - by Jeanette Walls

Book - The Glass Castle - A Memoir - by Jeanette Walls
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The listing, Book - The Glass Castle - A Memoir - by Jeanette Walls has ended.

Used Book in Excellent Condition

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Genres: Biographies & Memoirs >> Family & Childhood

Publication Date: 1/9/2006
Pages: 288
4.2 out of 5 stars, based on 3,262 ratings

Jeannette Walls's father always called her "Mountain Goat" and there's perhaps no more apt nickname for a girl who navigated a sheer and towering cliff of childhood both daily and stoically. In The Glass Castle, Walls chronicles her upbringing at the hands of eccentric, nomadic parents -- Rose Mary, her frustrated-artist mother, and Rex, her brilliant, alcoholic father. To call the elder Walls's child rearing style laissez faire would be putting it mildly. As Rose Mary and Rex, motivated by whims and paranoia, uprooted their kids time and again, the youngsters (Walls, her brother and two sisters) were left largely to their own devices. But while Rex and Rose Mary firmly believed children learned best from their own mistakes, they themselves never seemed to do so, repeating the same disastrous patterns that eventually landed them on the streets.

Walls describes in fascinating detail what it was to be a child in this family. Though Walls has well earned the right to complain, at no point does she play the victim. In fact, Walls' removed, nonjudgmental stance is initially startling, since many of the circumstances she describes could be categorized as abusive (and unquestioningly neglectful). But on the contrary, Walls respects her parents' knack for making hardships feel like adventures, and her love for them -- despite their overwhelming self-absorption -- resonates from cover to cover.

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excellent book! fanned and watching!
Jun 21st, 2014 at 3:47:39 AM PDT by
Thanks. I Probably Should Have Read It! Seems To Be Popular!
Jun 22nd, 2014 at 7:00:38 PM PDT by
I never read it - Thanks. Fanned Back.
Jun 21st, 2014 at 8:25:58 PM PDT by
Fanned and watching
Jun 27th, 2014 at 5:32:13 PM PDT by
Thanks so much - fanned back.
Jun 27th, 2014 at 9:14:48 PM PDT by

Book - The Glass Castle - A Memoir - by Jeanette Walls is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category