I am confused, sorry but is it hair color or just reward codes. What are reward codes. I feel stupid. I need lots of hair color, the grey is faster than I am with washing the grey out of my hair! LOL F&W ;@ }
Don't feel stupid. Reward codes are found on every L'Oreal hair color bottle. What someone would do is sign up at lorealgoldrewards.com then enter 2 codes per month (better to use multiple emails). After 5 codes, L'Oreal will mail you a coupon for a free box of hair dye. Voila!
People keep in mind that L'oreal has a new policy that you can only get two free boxes a year, and you can only enter two codes a month, PLUS these codes can be found on many websites, without having to bid for them. Kind of cheap that you're duping people into something they already have access to but don't realize it.
Hence the reason why i suggest multiple email use. I am NOT duping people.... i save my codes and let others use them. Thanks for you much unneeded comment. Have a great day and see yourself out of my auctions. I do NOT accept negativity nor false judgement in my auctions!