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The listing, XBOX 360 LIVE TRIAL CODES ONE MONTH (OR MORE!) has ended.
This is an auction for FIFTEEN (15) 48-HOUR CODES. This is an entire month of Xbox live (or more, if you don't play regularly).
In some ways, this is better than one month, because you only enter the code when you need it.
For example, if you only play during weekends, this would be enough for 3.5-4 MONTHS!
Questions & Comments
Actually the terms of service rules state only one free trial code may be used per Live account. I found that when I attempted to use more than one 48 hour code, I had to make a whole new account.
the restrictions are u cannot play ranked matches in games such as halo 3, and u cannot use gold benefits such as download gold only demos, get marketplace deal of the week, and use video chat. you cannot use a 48 hour code on a gold account, only on a silver account, and u have to wait till 48 hours are up before u can use another code. i think honeyrose80 tried to use such a code on an account already using a 48 hour code or on a gold account.
Ah, thanks for the clarification. I thought that was the case, but I wasn't sure. I was definitely able to use more than one code for my account, apparently because I am a Silver member. Luckily, I never paid for Gold, and I never will, because I use Xlink Kai.
TO ALL BIDDERS: I just found out that the terms of service rules state only one free trial code may be used per Live account. Please bid accordingly! (thx, honeyrose80)
TO ALL BIDDERS: I just found out that the terms of service rules state only one free trial code may be used per Live account. Please bid accordingly! (thx, honeyrose80)
Because i have seen sellers do that and it's against the rules and action is taken against them by listia. So i use my common sense to make sure myself that the auctions are valid.
they are not hacked. don't jump to conclusions without proof. anyone savvy enough can get as many codes as they want on their own, and the seller even said how he got them.